Configure safe

Burglary sta­tis­tics

Burglary sta­tis­tics 13.04.23 | Advi­sor More than 64,000 burgla­ries in Switz­er­land each year and more than 170 burgla­ries each day. Alt­hough the num­ber of burgla­ries has fal­len back some­what from the pre­vious figure of appro­xi­m­ately 70,000, the num­ber of burgla­ries remains con­stantly high. Most affec­ted by a long way are mul­ti­ple family homes and sin­gle… Con­ti­nue rea­ding Burglary sta­tis­tics

Burglary pro­tec­tion — Decla­ra­tion regar­ding the Euro stan­dard EN 1143–1

Burglary pro­tec­tion — Decla­ra­tion regar­ding the Euro stan­dard EN 1143–1 13.04.23 | Advi­sor Test for resi­stance to burglary for safes Secure sto­rage units – Requi­re­ments, clas­si­fi­ca­tion and methods of test for resi­stance The safes are attacked in the test using various tools. Cal­cu­la­ti­ons are made in the examp­les listed below as to how long a… Con­ti­nue rea­ding Burglary pro­tec­tion — Decla­ra­tion regar­ding the Euro stan­dard EN 1143–1
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Burglary Pro­cess

Burglary Pro­cess 13.04.22 | Advi­sor Burglars leave the house after one minute. Pro­vi­ded that the safe owner does ever­ything right! No burglar is loo­king for a safe. Burglars are loo­king for money and jewel­lery. No mat­ter where they get into the house, their first tar­get is the office or the bed­room. In most cases, these… Con­ti­nue rea­ding Burglary Pro­cess

Safe after full fire

Safe after full fire 04.04.12 | News Advi­sor Con­tents of the WALDIS safe com­ple­tely unhar­med fol­lo­wing a serious fire. A buil­ding in Zurich was com­ple­tely destroyed by a serious fire in Sep­tem­ber 2010. There was a WALDIS safe right in the middle of the fire. It could no lon­ger be ope­ned by the owner fol­lo­wing… Con­ti­nue rea­ding Safe after full fire