Configure safe

The role of the safe in a digi­tal world

The role of the safe in a digi­tal world 04.09.24 | Advi­sor Online ban­king, Bit­coin, e‑commerce: the era of digi­ta­li­sa­tion has also brought revo­lu­tio­nary chan­ges to the way we handle money and valu­ables. How does the safe fit into this pic­ture? Digi­tal inno­va­tions and tech­no­lo­gi­cal pro­gress cha­rac­te­rise our daily lives. Today, it is a mat­ter… Con­ti­nue rea­ding The role of the safe in a digi­tal world
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When secu­rity and design merge

When secu­rity and design merge 15.08.24 | Advi­sor Safety and appe­al­ing aes­the­tics are two things that are often far apart. And yet it is pre­cis­ely the lat­ter that has a decisive influence on how often and with what plea­sure we use a pro­duct. The high-qua­lity safes from WALDIS com­bine both. The safety dilemma Who has­n’t… Con­ti­nue rea­ding When secu­rity and design merge
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From an air-raid shel­ter a vault

From an air-raid shel­ter a vault 03.07.24 | Advi­sor A safe in your own home? A per­fectly sen­si­ble invest­ment if you store valuable items at home. But an entire vault? Some peo­ple will pro­ba­bly raise their eye­brows and ask them­sel­ves, firstly, who needs such a thing and, secondly, whe­ther you can even afford it. Yes,… Con­ti­nue rea­ding From an air-raid shel­ter a vault

The bene­fits of a safe

The bene­fits of a safe 13.12.23 | Advi­sor It is close to our hearts, allows us to brea­the deeply and relax: Secu­rity. It is a basic human need and con­tri­bu­tes signi­fi­cantly to a high qua­lity of life. Howe­ver, there are many things in life that we can­not influence. For pre­cis­ely this rea­son, we pro­tect our­sel­ves… Con­ti­nue rea­ding The bene­fits of a safe

What to con­sider when buy­ing a safe

What to con­sider when buy­ing a safe 21.09.23 | Advi­sor Advi­sor Whe­ther watches, jewel­lery, important data or docu­ments. Anyone who stores valuable objects unpro­tec­ted at home is taking a risk. To pre­vent this, the purchase of a safe is a good idea. But cau­tion is advi­sed here. Because those who lull them­sel­ves into a false… Con­ti­nue rea­ding What to con­sider when buy­ing a safe

Burglary sta­tis­tics

Burglary sta­tis­tics 13.04.23 | Advi­sor More than 64,000 burgla­ries in Switz­er­land each year and more than 170 burgla­ries each day. Alt­hough the num­ber of burgla­ries has fal­len back some­what from the pre­vious figure of appro­xi­m­ately 70,000, the num­ber of burgla­ries remains con­stantly high. Most affec­ted by a long way are mul­ti­ple family homes and sin­gle… Con­ti­nue rea­ding Burglary sta­tis­tics

Burglary pro­tec­tion — Decla­ra­tion regar­ding the Euro stan­dard EN 1143–1

Burglary pro­tec­tion — Decla­ra­tion regar­ding the Euro stan­dard EN 1143–1 13.04.23 | Advi­sor Test for resi­stance to burglary for safes Secure sto­rage units – Requi­re­ments, clas­si­fi­ca­tion and methods of test for resi­stance The safes are attacked in the test using various tools. Cal­cu­la­ti­ons are made in the examp­les listed below as to how long a… Con­ti­nue rea­ding Burglary pro­tec­tion — Decla­ra­tion regar­ding the Euro stan­dard EN 1143–1
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Safe vault pass­word

Safe vault pass­word 10.02.23 | Advi­sor You have cho­sen a Swiss qua­lity safe by WALDIS, and in doing so have cho­sen one of the most secure safes around. But even the most secure safe is of little use if the nume­ric code is easy to guess. You will find a num­ber of tips below that… Con­ti­nue rea­ding Safe vault pass­word
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Safe Check List — This Check List will help you to iden­tify a good safe.

Safe Check List — This Check List will help you to iden­tify a good safe. 10.02.23 | Advi­sor Take note of the fol­lo­wing points: Only use safes that are pro­du­ced and cer­ti­fied to the cur­rent EN 1143–1 stan­dard Ensure each safe has four to eight-point moun­ting instal­led by spe­cia­list staff Ancho­ring to the wall and… Con­ti­nue rea­ding Safe Check List — This Check List will help you to iden­tify a good safe.
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