Configure safe

Safe after full fire

Con­tents of the WALDIS safe com­ple­tely unhar­med fol­lo­wing a serious fire.

A buil­ding in Zurich was com­ple­tely destroyed by a serious fire in Sep­tem­ber 2010. There was a WALDIS safe right in the middle of the fire. It could no lon­ger be ope­ned by the owner fol­lo­wing the fire. Once the WALDIS ser­vice tech­ni­ci­ans had instal­led a new lock, the owner was then able to open the safe as usual by using the nor­mal code.

The con­tents were not dama­ged. All docu­ments and valu­ables were com­ple­tely unhar­med and were able to be remo­ved from the safe. Not a sin­gle fleck of burnt resi­due from the fire was found inside the safe! This is clear proof of the fact that neither fire nor heat are able to cause any harm to a WALDIS safe thanks to its mas­sive 65 mm armour-pla­ting and pre­cis­ion pro­ce­s­sing with mini­mum gap dimen­si­ons.

As a result, the cer­ti­fied WALDIS safes are not only one of the most secure pro­ducts available against burgla­ries, but they are also well-pro­ven in the event of a fire as well. WALDIS safes pro­tect their con­tents in the best pos­si­ble man­ner in both loss cases.

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WALDIS safes – Com­plete secu­rity. Gua­ran­teed!

WALDIS is the only manu­fac­tu­rer that offers a war­ranty against burglary of up to 30 years.