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News and Tips

Here you’ll find out (almost) ever­ything there is to know about WALDIS Safes. Only inter­nal com­pany and design mat­ters remain pri­vate. You’ll find out first-hand all about our latest deve­lo­p­ments, new pro­ducts and inspi­ra­tion – hel­ping you stay up to date. We’ll also tell you here about ever­ything we’re invol­ved in, where we’re appearing and how we’re taking a stand. This inclu­des any events and the low-down on the 40th anni­ver­sary of WALDIS Tresore AG. We’ll also share tips on the latest topics for ongo­ing impro­ve­ment here. And if anything’s miss­ing, you can get in touch with us howe­ver you like.

The role of the safe in a digi­tal world

Online-Ban­king, Bit­coin, Inter­net­han­del: Die Ära der Digi­ta­li­sie­rung brachte auch im Umgang mit Geld und Wert­sa­chen revo­lu­tio­näre Ver­än­de­run­gen mit sich. Wie passt da der Tresor ins Bild?

When secu­rity and design merge

Safety and appe­al­ing aes­the­tics are two things that are often far apart. And yet it is pre­cis­ely the lat­ter that has a decisive influence on how often and with what plea­sure we use a pro­duct. The high-qua­lity safes from WALDIS com­bine both.

Safes: What does EN-1143–1 actually mean?

The EN-1143–1 stan­dard cer­ti­fies the secu­rity level of safes and is the­r­e­fore an important cri­ter­ion when purcha­sing a safe. You can find out what such a test invol­ves and what it means here.

From an air-raid shel­ter a vault

By instal­ling an armou­red door, air-raid shel­ters can be upgraded to a com­bi­ned stron­g­room and panic room with little invest­ment, wit­hout impai­ring the main func­tion of the air-raid shel­ter.

The most secure safe in the world — an innovation in Swiss Made qua­lity

The latest innovation from WALDIS Tresore AG replaces the most secure safe to date. The world first, cal­led WALDIS Ultra, was deve­lo­ped and pro­du­ced in Rüm­lang, Switz­er­land.

The bene­fits of a safe

Safety is a basic human need that is influen­ced by many fac­tors. Some we can con­trol our­sel­ves, others we can­not. Mea­su­res to increase secu­rity include, for exam­ple, taking out insu­rance or purcha­sing a safe, both of which have many advan­ta­ges.

What to con­sider when buy­ing a safe

Secu­rity is a basic human need that is influen­ced by many fac­tors. Some we can con­trol our­sel­ves, others we can­not. Mea­su­res to increase secu­rity are, for exam­ple, taking out insu­rance or purcha­sing a safe, which brings with it many advan­ta­ges.

Our new web­site

Just in time for our 40th anni­ver­sary, we are here for you with a new web­site. This not only impres­ses with its new, modern design, but also with new con­tent and func­tions, which we pre­sent to you here.

Burglary sta­tis­tics

In order to mini­mize the damage (los­ses, des­truc­tion and mess left behind) for you in the event of a burglary, we recom­mend using our pre­ven­tive mea­su­res, which have been con­firmed by num­e­rous cases of damage.

Burglary pro­tec­tion — Decla­ra­tion regar­ding the Euro stan­dard EN 1143–1

In order to mini­mize the damage (los­ses, des­truc­tion and mess left behind) for you in the event of a burglary, we recom­mend using our pre­ven­tive mea­su­res, which have been con­firmed by num­e­rous cases of damage.

Safe vault pass­word

What you should con­sider when choo­sing a pass­word You have cho­sen a Swiss qua­lity safe from WALDIS and thus one of the most secure safes. But even the most secure safe is of little use if the num­ber code is easy to guess. Below are some tips on what to con­sider when choo­sing a pass­word and how to create one.

Safe Check List — This Check List will help you to iden­tify a good safe.

A walk-in safe in your very own home

A walk-in safe in your very own home When it comes to taking care of your most pre­cious valu­ables, it pays to think big. A stron­g­room from WALDIS is your very own walk-in safe, offe­ring maxi­mum secu­rity and con­ve­ni­ence. It helps keep your valu­ables in safe hands, even at home.

Burglary Pro­cess

In order to mini­mize the damage (los­ses, des­truc­tion and mess left behind) for you in the event of a burglary, we recom­mend using our pre­ven­tive mea­su­res, which have been con­firmed by num­e­rous cases of damage.

Oder­matt looks into the cry­stal balls

Oder­matt looks into the cry­stal ball(s) Shortly before that for an inter­view in Salz­burg and almost 24 hours later at his out­fit­ter and ski manu­fac­tu­rer Stöckli at the head­quar­ters in Mal­ters. As usual, rela­xed and with a smile on his face, 24-year-old Marco Oder­matt tal­ked about his days after win­ning the over­all World Cup and pre­sen­ted his latest achie­ve­ments — the two cry­stal balls.

Inte­re­sted in per­so­nal secu­rity?

Inte­re­sted in per­so­nal secu­rity? Dan­ge­rous situa­tions can occur even in your own home. So it’s useful to know that WALDIS pro­vi­des a 3‑in‑1 solu­tion. A panic room or stron­g­room can pro­tect you, those around you and your valu­ables from attackers. It can also fit per­fectly into your ever­y­day life. Spe­ci­fic and cru­cial equip­ment fea­tures set it apart.

Com­pre­hen­sive pro­tec­tion for your wea­pons and valu­ables

Com­pre­hen­sive pro­tec­tion for your wea­pons and valu­ables Those who own wea­pons usually wish to store them in a safe place to help them feel secure and pro­tect those around them. Like all WALDIS safes, stron­g­rooms and gun safes also have EN 1143–1 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, are available in resi­stance gra­des 3–5 and the­r­e­fore ensure maxi­mum secu­rity against misuse and theft of your wea­pons and valu­ables.

WALDIS safes in the world of Stöckli skis

WALDIS Tresore in the world of Stöckli Skis What makes the skis from the well-known Swiss manu­fac­tu­rer Stöckli so spe­cial and how are they made? These and other que­sti­ons were ans­we­red by the WALDIS team at a very spe­cial event in the Stöckli Manu­fac­tory in Mal­ters — and not only by the Stöckli employees them­sel­ves, but also by a very spe­cial guest.

Safe after full fire

In order to mini­mize the damage (los­ses, des­truc­tion and mess left behind) for you in the event of a burglary, we recom­mend using our pre­ven­tive mea­su­res, which have been con­firmed by num­e­rous cases of damage.