Configure safe


Stron­g­rooms create secu­rity, fle­xi­bi­lity and
dis­cretion in your home.

If you’d like to store large quan­ti­ties of jewel­lery, watches, pre­cious metals, works of art or other important docu­ments safely at home, you need a good safe room. With cer­ti­fied stron­g­rooms and panic rooms from WALDIS, you store your valu­ables in your own home with peace of mind and pro­tect them from theft.


WALDIS stron­g­rooms

Bild eines Panikraums in einem Wohnraum als begehbarer Tresor

Ever­ything that’s pre­cious to you stays in your own home and remains as safe and secure as it would in a bank. That’s because the WALDIS stron­g­rooms, or safe rooms, con­form to the latest Euro­pean stan­dards, are cer­ti­fied and meet the hig­hest secu­rity requi­re­ments. With WALDIS, you can install your ideal stron­g­room any time (all-in-one package – trans­port and deli­very). It will be inte­gra­ted into exi­sting spaces based on your per­so­nal pre­fe­ren­ces regar­ding shape, mate­rial and wall thic­k­ness. Abso­lute dis­cretion is gua­ran­teed, as your pri­vate walk-in stron­g­room is only instal­led accor­ding to your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons once the buil­ding is ready.


A sub­stance was deve­lo­ped based on the most strin­gent secu­rity requi­re­ments that was to with­stand the most deman­ding con­di­ti­ons. A mate­rial that suc­cessfully resists the wide range of tools used for break-ins. The result of this inten­sive rese­arch is known as Relastan®.


WALDIS panic room

A panic room can be used for indi­vi­dual pro­tec­tion as well as sto­ring valu­ables. Unlike a tra­di­tio­nal stron­g­room, a panic room has spe­ci­fic fea­tures and equip­ment such as com­mu­ni­ca­tion faci­li­ties built into the inte­rior. This makes it easy to cont­act help points in order to quickly stop burglars in their tracks, for instance. There is also a second input unit inside that enables ope­ning and locking. Alt­hough a panic room isn’t a bun­ker where you can sur­vive for weeks or even months in an emer­gency, it can also be equip­ped with all other essen­ti­als. A WALDIS panic room con­sists of a front wall which func­tions as a pas­sa­ge­way to buy time during an emer­gency. It can be fit­ted with a bul­let­proof stron­g­room door or secu­rity doors. In the rear sec­tion, you’ll find the actual panic and stron­g­room, which acts as a place of refuge. The in-built secu­rity door is bul­let­proof up to a calibre of 7.62 x 54 mm, offe­ring relia­ble pro­tec­tion against attacks from out­side.

The bene­fits of stron­g­rooms and panic rooms at a glance:

  • A secure refuge in your own home
  • Cus­tom design made to mea­sure
  • Walk-in safe loca­tion of your choice
  • High-level cer­ti­fied secu­rity clas­si­fi­ca­tion
  • Easy to assem­ble and dis­mantle
  • Stron­g­rooms for the hig­hest insu­rance clas­ses
Modell eines Panikraums

We’re happy to advise you on our stron­g­rooms in our show­room


Modular construction of a certified panic room

Modu­lar cons­truc­tion

The fol­lo­wing steps are taken to install a stron­g­room: first of all, the floor is laid with the Relastan® ele­ments. The wall/corner sec­tions are then assem­bled. The armou­red doors or stron­g­room doors are then ancho­red and instal­led in the wall ele­ment. As a last step, the cei­ling ele­ments are pla­ced on the wall ele­ments. Finally, all ele­ments are wel­ded tog­e­ther at the joins in the inte­rior.

Strongrooms Protection against burglary

Room divi­der

The modu­lar cons­truc­tion allows the stron­g­room to be instal­led and built in any space and can also be used as a room divi­der as in the above exam­ple.

Strongrooms Modular construction with space reinforcement


Exi­sting buil­ding struc­tures and wall thic­k­nes­ses can be rein­forced fur­ther with Relastan® ele­ments. This increa­ses secu­rity and meets any insu­rance requi­re­ments.

Model Resi­stance grade Wall thic­k­ness Weight
BE 2080 WG V 80 mm 175 kg/m2
BE 2115/KB* WG IX/KB* 115 mm 250 kg/m2
BE 2150/KB* WG X/KB* 150 mm 470 kg/m2
BE 2280/KB* WG IX/KB* 280 mm 830 kg/m2

KB* = Kro­nen­bohr­schutz (core drill pro­tec­tion)

Tech­ni­cal data and dimen­si­ons

  • Maxi­mum room height (inte­rior): 3000 mm

Matching bar­red doors in alu­mi­nium or steel are available for all armou­red doors.

Model Resi­stance grade Clear width Clear height Door thic­k­ness Weight
TRP Genius 5 WG V 820/940 mm 1970 mm 170 mm approx. 530/630 kg
TRP Genius 9/KB* WG IX/KB* 900 mm 1970 mm 260 mm approx. 1100 kg
TRP 3000 WG X 900 mm 1955 mm 320 mm approx. 3000 kg
TRP 3500/KB* WG IX/KB* 900 mm 1955 mm 370 mm approx. 3500 kg

KB* = Kro­nen­bohr­schutz (core drill pro­tec­tion)

Panzertüren als Sicherheitstüren für Schutz von Panikräumen

TRP Genius 5

Panzertüren als Sicherheitstüren für Panikräume und Wertschutzräume

TRP Genius 9/KB*

gesicherte Wertschutzraumtür für panic room

TRP 3000, TRP 3500/KB*

Gittertüre als Tresorraumtür für Schutzräume

Bar­red doors


Your very own stron­g­room is equip­ped with a high-secu­rity WALDIS armou­red door.

We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice