Configure safe

Armou­red doors

Armou­red doors offer maxi­mum resi­stance against
mal­evo­lent inten­ti­ons.

WALDIS armou­red doors are available in all kinds of con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons with all kinds of com­pon­ents, depen­ding on the type of pro­tec­tion and where they’re used. Our pro­tec­tive instal­la­ti­ons have with­s­tood the toug­hest elec­tro­me­cha­ni­cal and ther­mal attack tools during exten­sive test­ing. The armou­red doors the­r­e­fore offer extra­or­di­na­rily effec­tive pro­tec­tion against unaut­ho­ri­sed access to pro­tec­ted spaces.


Basic armou­red door equip­ment

  • Available as armou­red door TRP Genius 5, 9 or 9‑KB (core drill pro­tec­tion)
  • VdS-cer­ti­fied secu­rity door accor­ding to Euro­pean stan­dards
  • Evi­dence of mini­mum resi­stance values under appli­ca­tion of mecha­ni­cal, ther­mal, elec­tro­me­cha­ni­cal and mani­pu­la­ting tools
  • Evi­dence of qua­lity assu­rance system in accordance with ISO 9001

Matching bar­red doors in alu­mi­nium or steel are available for all armou­red doors. The TRP secu­rity doors cor­re­spond to the hig­hest secu­rity levels and are VdS-cer­ti­fied in accordance with Euro­pean stan­dards EN 1143–1.

WALDIS armou­red door models com­pared

Model Resi­stance grade Clear width Clear height Door thic­k­ness Weight
TRP Genius 5 WG V 820/940 mm 1970 mm 170 mm approx. 530/630 kg
TRP Genius 9/KB* WG IX/KB* 900 mm 1970 mm 260 mm approx. 1100 kg
TRP 3000 WG X 900 mm 1955 mm 320 mm approx. 3000 kg
TRP 3500/KB* WG IX/KB* 900 mm 1955 mm 370 mm approx. 3500 kg

KB* = Kro­nen­bohr­schutz (core drill pro­tec­tion)

TRP Genius 3 armou­red doors

Basic armou­red door equip­ment

  • Easy retro­fit­ting of armou­red doors in pro­tec­ted spaces
  • Multi-armou­ring of doors; multi-laye­red armou­ring using various mate­ri­als to com­bat tools such as drills, wel­ding tools, cut­ting discs, etc.
  • Door available hin­ged on the inside or out­side
  • Door hinge available on the left or right
  • Cus­to­mi­sed dimen­si­ons – TRP armou­red doors can be desi­gned accor­ding to your dimen­si­ons – also in ver­si­ons wit­hout an armou­red door thres­hold or with the door ope­ning out­ward
  • Door, frame and swi­vel bracket are pri­med with grey anti-rust paint; after assem­bly, the door can be pain­ted in the appro­priate colour
  • TRP emer­gency locking: the TRP Genius 3 armou­red door can be blocked from the inside so that nobody can lock you in from the out­side, but the door is still locked from the out­side


Your air-raid shel­ter beco­mes a safe room in an instant with the TRP Genius 3 armou­red door. The instal­la­tion of this type of safe door offers you an addi­tio­nal secu­rity com­po­nent.

Stan­dard size

The stan­dard size of the TRP 3 door cor­re­sponds to the stan­dar­di­sed size for pro­tec­tive room doors in accordance with Euro­pean stan­dards.
On request, we will be happy to cus­to­mise the armou­red door to the size you require.

Model Clear width H x W (mm) for reveal H x W (mm) Resi­stance class Weight Lock incl.
TRP Genius 3 1825 x 780 1850 x 800 Tested accor­ding to EN 1143–1, resi­stance grade 3 450 kg Pri­mor

From an air-raid shel­ter a vault

Many hou­ses have an air-raid shel­ter, but most will pro­ba­bly use it just like any other room. Yet its poten­tial is huge! Due to the struc­tu­ral requi­re­ments it alre­ady has, an air-raid shel­ter can easily be used as a safe room by upgrading it with a TRP 3 armou­red door. Thanks to the so-cal­led emer­gency clo­sure, not only your most valuable items are safely pro­tec­ted, but also you yours­elf in an emer­gency.

Cus­tom equip­ment of WALDIS armou­red doors

Icon Hochsicherheitsschloss Elektronikschloss Paxos

Ope­ning on both sides

Thanks to the attach­ment of a second input unit on the inside, the armou­red door can be ope­ned from both sides.

Icon Notöffnung Panzertüre

TRP emer­gency clo­sing

The emer­gency locking func­tion blocks the handle from being ope­ra­ted from the out­side. This ensu­res that nobody can lock you in the room from the out­side. At the same time, the door is locked from the out­side.

Icon Schwenkbügel Panzertüre

Swi­vel bracket

Pivo­ting safety bar for the emer­gency exit in the air-raid shel­ter

Insu­rance levels: tested and cer­ti­fied

Euro­pean stan­dards serve as a bench­mark for the entire WALDIS pro­duct range for insu­rance pur­po­ses. The pre­re­qui­site for issuing the cor­re­spon­ding cer­ti­fi­ca­tes is a type test for pene­tra­tion and for­ci­ble ope­ning of the secu­rity doors. The pro­ducts must dis­play the defi­ned mini­mum resi­stance values under appli­ca­tion of mecha­ni­cal, ther­mal, elec­tro­me­cha­ni­cal and mani­pu­la­ting tools.

We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice.

Do you need addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion on our armou­red doors, armou­red gates, stron­g­room doors, safes, safe rooms or other secure instal­la­ti­ons? Please don’t hesi­tate to get in touch. We’re here for you.