Configure safe

Secu­rity cabinets

Opti­mum theft pro­tec­tion and appe­al­ing pre­sen­ta­tion thanks to WALDIS secu­rity cabinets.

The WALDIS secu­rity cabi­net is the inno­va­tive secu­rity and goods dis­play con­cept. It was deve­lo­ped and manu­fac­tu­red in close com­pli­ance with the secu­rity requi­re­ments rele­vant to safe production.

Func­tion and design of our secu­rity cabinets

Careful con­side­ra­tion has been given to how the WALDIS secu­rity cabi­net works. The cabi­net system has a modu­lar struc­ture with fle­xi­ble dimen­si­ons, making it ideal for inte­gra­tion into the store con­cept.  The shelving/filing system inte­gra­ted into the WALDIS secu­rity cabi­net is height-adjusta­ble in a grid of 50 mm and can be com­bi­ned with all shel­ving systems com­monly used in shop­fit­ting. The housing is pow­der-coa­ted and can be sup­plied in all available RAL colours.

WALDIS secu­rity cabinets are used in par­ti­cu­lar to store expen­sive retail pro­ducts such as tob­acco, spi­rits, per­fu­mes, razor­b­lades, lubri­cants, mobile pho­nes, che­micals, medi­ci­nes, etc.

They can be secu­rely locked with a robust locking mecha­nism which makes access during a break-in attempt almost impos­si­ble.

Would you like to find out more about our high-qua­lity secu­rity cabinets? We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice.

For high-cost retail pro­ducts such as tob­acco, spi­rits, per­fu­mes, razor­b­lades, lubri­cants, mobile pho­nes, che­micals, medi­ci­nes, etc.

Sicherheitsschrank für Detailhandel und Warenpräsentation

Mecha­ni­cal secu­rity cabinets 1300 AND 2000

Elec­tro­nic secu­rity cabi­net equip­ment

  • Mate­rial: steel panel 1.5 mm, pow­der-coa­ted
  • Rol­ler shut­ter: steel panel 1 mm, gal­va­ni­sed
  • Shelf width: 665 mm
  • Base height: 200 mm
  • Locking: 4‑point bar locking
  • Lock: armou­red KABA cylin­der lock with 3 keys

Func­tion of the mecha­ni­cal safety sto­rage cabi­net

The mecha­ni­cal WALDIS secu­rity cabi­net is based on a mas­sive steel panel cons­truc­tion and a steel rol­ler shut­ter. This is unlocked with a key or badge and ope­ned and clo­sed manu­ally using the two hand­les on the door.

The cabi­net is locked using a newly deve­lo­ped push rod lock with a KABA cylin­der lock. A spe­cial spring shaft is used for smooth ope­ra­tion of the rol­ler shut­ter, which offers a variety of adjust­ment opti­ons. This approach makes the system incre­di­bly easy to use, as the weight of the armou­red rol­ler shut­ter can be vir­tually eli­mi­na­ted

We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice

Elektronischer Sicherheitsschrank für  Warenpräsentation

Elec­tro­nic secu­rity cabinets 1300E AND 2000E

Basic secu­rity cabi­net equip­ment

  • Mate­rial: steel panel 2 mm, pow­der-coa­ted
  • Rol­ler shut­ter: alu­mi­nium com­po­site 1 mm, anodi­sed
  • Shelf width: 665 mm
  • Base height: 100 mm
  • Locking: elec­tro­nic with anti-lift device
  • Ope­ra­tion: with cylin­der lock, code switch, wall switch or remote con­trol

Func­tion of the elec­tro­nic safety sto­rage cabi­net

The elec­tro­nic WALDIS secu­rity cabi­net is based on a solid sheet steel cons­truc­tion and a rol­ler shut­ter door made of resi­stant alu­mi­nium com­po­site.

The rol­ler shut­ter door impres­ses with its smooth and quiet ope­ra­tion and is cer­ti­fied to resi­stance class RC3 in the stan­dard ver­sion.

The rol­ler shut­ter of the secu­rity cabi­net is ope­ra­ted elec­tro­ni­cally via a wall switch, a code switch, a key or a remote con­trol and can be cus­to­mi­sed to meet any spe­ci­fic cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. The secu­rity cabi­net can be easily inte­gra­ted into an exi­sting locking plan and the door posi­tion can be scan­ned and moni­to­red by the alarm system.

The signal trans­mis­sion from the but­ton to the ope­ra­tor can be car­ried out by cable or by radio trans­mit­ter, which makes the posi­tio­ning of the actua­ting ele­ment very fle­xi­ble and eli­mi­na­tes the need for com­plex cable lay­ing.

Cus­tom equip­ment of WALDIS cabinets

Cus­tom RAL colour

We paint your pro­duct your pre­fer­red colour, cho­sen from the RAL or NCS colour menu

icon verstelltablare sicherheitsschränke

Adjusta­ble shel­ves 665

Thanks to fle­xi­ble adjusta­ble shel­ves, the safety sto­rage cabinets can be exten­ded as requi­red

addi­tio­nal access­ories

on request


  • opti­mum pro­tec­tion against theft: resi­stant locking mecha­nism makes access impos­si­ble in the event of an attempted break-in
  • easy ope­ra­tion
  • sales-pro­mo­ting pro­duct pre­sen­ta­tion
  • solid, resi­stant, high-qua­lity yet com­pact cabi­net design
  • sui­ta­ble for com­bi­na­tion with all stan­dard shel­ving and fil­ing systems
  • indi­vi­dual design and com­bi­na­tion opti­ons of the safety cabinets to suit the rele­vant store con­cept
  • available in various RAL colours
  • quick assem­bly

Models com­pared

Model Exter­nal dimen­si­ons H x W x D (mm) Weight kg Price CHF exclu­ding VAT
WALDIS elec­tro­nic secu­rity cabi­net 1300E 2052 x 1330 x 500 210 On request
WALDIS elec­tro­nic secu­rity cabi­net 2000E 2052 x 2030 x 500 265 On request
WALDIS mecha­ni­cal secu­rity cabi­net 1300 2400 x 1350 x 500 250 6,700.00
WALDIS mecha­ni­cal secu­rity cabi­net 2000 2400 x 2030 x 500 320 7,600.00

We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice