Configure safe

The very best for all your valu­ables – a com­pany prio­ri­ti­sing qua­lity for 40 years

We’ve been app­ly­ing our secu­rity expe­ri­ence in Switz­er­land and around the world to great effect since 1983. Since our com­pany was estab­lished, we’ve deli­vered around 35,000 safes, stron­g­rooms, armou­red doors and fire pro­tec­tion cabinets and have made our name as a desi­gner and pro­du­cer of high-secu­rity safes and stron­g­rooms.

As an owner-ope­ra­ted Swiss-made business, our cus­to­mers and their dis­cer­ning stan­dards have always been at the heart of our com­pany phi­lo­so­phy – and that will remain the case moving for­ward. A highly qua­li­fied team of inno­va­tive and long­stan­ding employees work every day to ensure that WALDIS pro­ducts deli­ver and exceed our cus­to­mers’ expec­ta­ti­ons.

icon händeschütteln


Per­so­nal advice, dis­cretion and cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion are our top prio­rity.

icon diamant exzellenz


We approach ever­ything we do with the utmost Swiss pre­cis­ion. You and your valu­ables deserve only the best.

icon drei puzzleteile


Each WALDIS pro­duct is a per­so­nal and indi­vi­dual piece that has been cus­tom-made for you in Switz­er­land.

‘Our aim is to keep going and deepen our focus on buil­ding the world’s finest safes. We work every sin­gle day with abso­lute com­mit­ment and moti­va­tion to make pro­ducts our cus­to­mers will love and that make it har­der for nefa­rious figu­res to carry out their under­hand deeds. All in line with our mis­sion state­ment: The very best for all your valu­ables.’

Mar­kus Wirth, owner and CEO of WALDIS Tresore AG

We repre­sent the best Swiss qua­lity

As uni­que as our WALDIS safes are, they have a few important things in com­mon: Swiss production, top Swiss-made qua­lity, clear cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and the legen­dary WALDIS break-in guarantee lasting up to 30 years. So it’s little sur­prise that we ope­rate accor­ding to the ISO 9001 qua­lity manage­ment system when pur­suing these strin­gent stan­dards.

The manu­fac­ture of a safe

An insight into our production

As a Swiss com­pany based in Rüm­lang, we pro­duce our high-secu­rity safes in-house. We’ll tell you what steps are invol­ved in the production of safes and what is invol­ved.

Here’s what our cus­to­mers have to say:


Result based on 792 Reviews

WALDIS safes

Pro­duct qua­lity:

(5.9 / 6)

Value for money:

(5.3 / 6)

Docu­men­ta­tion, ins­truc­tion, ope­ra­tion:

(5.5 / 6)

WALDIS ser­vices


(5.8 / 6)

Order pro­ce­s­sing:

(5.7 / 6)

Pro­duct assem­bly and instal­la­tion:

(5.7 / 6)



We’re on hand to pro­vide you with com­pre­hen­sive advice and assist you with ever­ything from plan­ning and purcha­sing to instal­ling your safe. Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence, you can rely on our sup­port in a wide range of areas.

We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice