Configure safe

Burglary pro­tec­tion — Decla­ra­tion regar­ding the Euro stan­dard EN 1143–1

Test for resi­stance to burglary for safes

Secure sto­rage units – Requi­re­ments, clas­si­fi­ca­tion and methods of test for resi­stance

The safes are attacked in the test using various tools. Cal­cu­la­ti­ons are made in the examp­les listed below as to how long a tester has to par­ti­ally break through using a cut­ting disc. If this time is exce­e­ded, then this part of the test is pas­sed.
Tresor Plakette zertifiziert nach EN1143-1
Ver­wen­den Sie nur Tresore mit einer sol­chen Pla­kette!
Resi­stance grade Par­tial breakth­rough
base value
Resi­stance WALDIS
model range
I 30 RU - 25 RU 5 RU 1x -
II 50 RU - 25 RU 25 RU 5x Eco
III 80 RU - 25 RU 55 RU 11x Business
IV 120 RU - 25 RU 95 RU 19x First
V 180 RU - 25 RU 155 RU 31x Premium

In con­clu­sion

A burglar requi­res 31 times lon­ger for a par­tial breakth­rough (ope­ning of 100 x 100 mm) for an EN V safe than he/she does for an EN I safe.

Amount insu­red – Insu­rance ratings

Your insu­rance com­pany will define the amount insu­red as well as your premium amount on an indi­vi­dual basis. The values sta­ted here are refe­rence values (in 1’000 CHF).

burglar alarm
burglar alarm
model range
I n.a. n.a. -
II 50 100 Eco
III 150 300 Business
IV 500 1000 First
V 1000 2000 Premium