Configure safe

Burglary sta­tis­tics

More than 64,000 burgla­ries in Switz­er­land each year and more than 170 burgla­ries each day.

Alt­hough the num­ber of burgla­ries has fal­len back some­what from the pre­vious figure of appro­xi­m­ately 70,000, the num­ber of burgla­ries remains con­stantly high. Most affec­ted by a long way are mul­ti­ple family homes and sin­gle family homes.

Almost 50% of burgla­ries take place in mul­ti­ple family homes and sin­gle family homes.

BFS – Police Crime Statistics (PKS)

Source: BFS – Police Crime Sta­tis­tics (PKS) 2014, ver­sion: 12 Feb 2015

Police Crime Statistics Switzerland

Source: BFS – Police Crime Sta­tis­tics (PKS) 2014, ver­sion: 12 Feb 2015 A pri­vate room refers solely to your “own four walls”, i.e. pri­vate rooms that are not acce­s­si­ble to others. Howe­ver, a room shall be dee­med public if it is in prin­ci­ple acce­s­si­ble to a variety of indi­vi­du­als (inclu­ding the stair­case or shared laun­dry faci­lity in a mul­ti­ple family home).

9 out of 10 safes are use­l­ess and are bro­ken into fol­lo­wing an attack.

An inve­sti­ga­tion for the Swiss Police Crime Sta­tis­tics in 2013 reve­als an alar­ming pic­ture.

Offen­ders were suc­cessful in vir­tually 90% of all cases, whe­ther in the pri­vate or com­mer­cial sec­tor

  • Around 50% of safes were sim­ply remo­ved. These inclu­ded heavy safes up to 600 kg.
  • The offen­ders sear­ched for and loca­ted the safe keys which were hid­den away in a fur­ther 25% of cases.
  • 14% of safes were bro­ken into using rudi­men­tary lever tools such as screw­dri­vers or crow­bars
  • A fur­ther 10% of safes were sim­ply ope­ned on the spot using brute force. The burglars mainly used pick­a­xes and sled­ge­ham­mers to achieve this.
  • Thie­ves used wel­ding equip­ment or cut­ting discs in the remai­ning 10% of all offen­ces.
attacked safes burglary statistics

Source: PKS 2013 and PKS of the Can­ton of Zurich 2006

Verankerung WALDIS Tresor

WALDIS safes can be moun­ted at 4 points at the back and 4 points at the bot­tom.

In con­clu­sion, it is well worth inve­st­ing in a premium safe.

  • Don’t be foo­led with regard to safe secu­rity; secu­rity is not some­thing that is visi­ble.
  • It is not too late to pro­tect yours­elf
  • Make sure you opt for a cer­ti­fied WALDIS safe
  • The sole manu­fac­tu­rer with a war­ranty of up to 30 years against burglary
  • Our con­sul­tants are available to help you with your secu­rity solu­tion.