Configure safe



The Cus­to­mer ack­now­led­ges the terms of deli­very sta­ted below upon con­clu­sion of the con­tract. All ver­bal agree­ments and agree­ments made by tele­phone must be con­firmed in wri­ting in order for them to be bin­ding.

Con­clu­sion of the con­tract

The con­tract shall enter into force fol­lo­wing our writ­ten con­fir­ma­tion of your order.


Our pri­ces are net “ex works” from our Rüm­lang fac­tory. VAT, trans­por­ta­tion, pack­a­ging, insu­rance, assem­bly, instal­la­tion and any sub­se­quent appli­ca­tion sup­port shall be char­ged sepa­ra­tely. In the event of signi­fi­cant chan­ges to pro­duc­tion costs resul­ting from cur­rency fluc­tua­tions, increa­ses in import costs, increa­ses in mate­rial pri­ces or wages, we shall reserve the right to make pro­por­tio­nate price chan­ges.

Payment terms

Our invoices are due for payment 30 days from the invoice date (date of expiry). They must be paid in Swiss francs wit­hout any dis­count deduc­ted. Once the payment term has expi­red, the Cus­to­mer shall imme­dia­tely be in default wit­hout any remin­der being sent, and we shall be entit­led to charge late payment inte­rest of 5 % p.a. in such cases. Coun­ter-claims or objec­tions regar­ding the purcha­sed item shall not justify any with­hol­ding of payment.

Time of the deli­veries

We shall endea­vour to deli­ver the goods at the time spe­ci­fied in the order con­fir­ma­tion, but shall not accept any lia­bi­lity for deli­very delays.

Risk trans­fer

The bene­fits and risks asso­cia­ted with the purcha­sed item shall be trans­fer­red upon loa­ding said item onto the means of trans­port at the Rüm­lang fac­tory.


WALDIS shall pro­vide a war­ranty for a dura­tion of 24 months from the date of trans­fer of the bene­fits and risks that the purcha­sed item is free from manu­fac­tu­ring defects and defec­tive work­man­ship. The cus­to­mer under­ta­kes to inspect the purcha­sed item imme­dia­tely upon deli­very and notify any objec­tions within 8 days of their dis­co­very. In the event the goods are defec­tive, WALDIS shall be entit­led to eit­her replace the defec­tive parts free of charge, repair the purcha­sed item or offer a reduc­tion in the purchase price to a level dee­med accep­ta­ble for the cus­to­mer. The right to rescis­sion of the purchase agree­ment as well as any lia­bi­lity for con­se­quen­tial dama­ges is exclu­ded here. If the goods are defec­tive as a result of the fail­ure to com­ply with the ope­ra­ting gui­de­lines and ins­truc­tions, then any war­ranty in place shall no lon­ger apply.

War­ranty against burglary

WALDIS shall pro­vide a war­ranty for resi­stance grade 2 or hig­her safes for the theft resi­stance of the secure sto­rage unit accor­ding to the Euro stan­dard EN 1143–1, and shall do so for the dura­tion spe­ci­fied in the order con­fir­ma­tion. WALDIS may rest­rict this war­ranty in loca­ti­ons that are par­ti­cu­larly at risk or make it depen­dent on addi­tio­nal mea­su­res, such as the exi­stence of an alarm system. In these par­ti­cu­lar cases, the alarm system must have been fully func­tional and in focus at the time of the burglary and must have actually trig­ge­red and con­veyed this to the alarm. If not, then the burglary war­ranty shall expire with imme­diate effect.

The war­ranty against burglary means that WALDIS under­ta­kes to replace the secure sto­rage unit in que­stion free of charge fol­lo­wing the suc­cessful burglary of the secure sto­rage unit moun­ted in place at the pre­mi­ses by WALDIS, but shall not oblige it to cover any con­se­quen­tial dama­ges or extra costs resul­ting from the burglary, such as the trans­por­ta­tion and assem­bly of the new secure sto­rage unit, or the dis­mant­ling or dis­po­sal of the old secure sto­rage unit. The cus­to­mer shall in par­ti­cu­lar not be entit­led to any com­pen­sa­tion for or repla­ce­ment of the con­tents of the secure sto­rage item. The war­ranty against burglary only rela­tes to burgla­ries on the pre­mi­ses in which the secure sto­rage unit was loca­ted and moun­ted in a mini­mum four-point man­ner by WALDIS or an aut­ho­ri­sed part­ner com­pany, in accordance with the most recent ope­ra­ting ins­truc­tions. If the secure sto­rage unit was not loca­ted, moun­ted or moved by WALDIS or an aut­ho­ri­sed part­ner com­pany, then the burglary war­ranty shall expire with imme­diate effect.
La garan­tie contre l’effraction signi­fie qu’en cas d’effraction effec­tive du cof­fre-fort sur son lieu d’implantation et dont l’ancrage a été réa­lisé par Waldis, cette der­nière s’engage à le rem­pla­cer gra­tui­te­ment, sans tou­te­fois prendre à sa charge les dom­mages résul­tant de l’effraction. ou d’autres frais sup­p­lé­men­tai­res comme par exemple le trans­port et le montage du nou­veau coffre.fort, le démon­tage ou l’evacuation de l’ancien. Plus par­ti­cu­liè­re­ment, le cli­ent ne peut faire valoir aucune pré­ten­tion d’indemnisation ou de rem­pla­ce­ment du con­tenu du cof­fre-fort. La garan­tie contre l’effraction ne con­cerne que cel­les com­mi­ses sur l’emplacement même ou le cof­fre-fort con­cerné a été posé par Waldis ou un de ses par­ten­aires agréés, avec quatre ancra­ges au mini­mum et con­for­mé­ment au mode d’emploi en vigueur. Si le cof­fre-fort n’a pas été posé, déplacé, et ancré par Waldis ou un de ses par­ten­aires agréés, la garan­tie l’effraction devi­ent immé­dia­te­ment cadu­que.


The afo­re­men­tio­ned war­ranty as well as the burglary war­ranty include a final arran­ge­ment as regards the deli­very of the purcha­sed item. Any addi­tio­nal lia­bi­lity shall be exclu­ded in full. In terms of any addi­tio­nal duties of WALDIS to be agreed sepa­ra­tely, such as trans­por­ta­tion, pack­a­ging, insu­rance, assem­bly and instal­la­tion ser­vices, WALDIS’ lia­bi­lity shall be limi­ted to inten­tio­nal dama­ges or dama­ges resul­ting from gross negli­gence (Art. 100 para. 1 OR). The cus­to­mer also ack­now­led­ges the right of WALDIS to call in the ser­vices of third party com­pa­nies in con­nec­tion with the afo­re­men­tio­ned obli­ga­ti­ons, wher­eby the lia­bi­lity of WALDIS in such cases shall be limi­ted to ensu­ring the careful sel­ec­tion of and issuing of ins­truc­tions to the third party com­pa­nies cal­led in (Art. 399 para. 2 CO).

Docu­ments and dra­wings

Docu­ments and dra­wings are pro­tec­ted by copy­right and shall not be made available to a third party or exploi­ted by the cus­to­mer for its own bene­fit wit­hout our writ­ten con­sent to do so. Offen­ders shall be lia­ble to pay full com­pen­sa­tion here.

Reten­tion of title

The goods shall remain the pro­perty of WALDIS until payment is made in full. The cus­to­mer her­eby aut­ho­ri­ses WALDIS to enter the rele­vant reten­tion of title in the reten­tion of title regi­ster (Eigen­tums­vor­be­halts­re­gi­ster). If such entry in the reten­tion of title regi­ster does not mate­ria­lise, or if the purcha­sed items are built-in to the customer’s pro­perty, then the cus­to­mer under­ta­kes to re-assign owner­ship upon beco­ming in arre­ars with the payment of the purchase price. All costs in con­junc­tion with said re-assign­ment shall be borne by the cus­to­mer.

Appli­ca­ble law and place of juris­dic­tion

All purchase agree­ments inclu­ding any assem­bly con­tracts shall be exclu­si­vely sub­ject to Swiss law. Appli­ca­tion of the United Nati­ons Con­ven­tion on Con­tracts for the Inter­na­tio­nal Sale of Goods of 11 April 1980 (CISG) is exclu­ded.

The place of juris­dic­tion for all dis­pu­tes ari­sing from or in con­junc­tion with the agree­ment shall be in accordance with the pro­vi­si­ons of the Swiss Code of Civil Pro­ce­dure.