Configure safe

Burglary Pro­cess

Burglars leave the house after one minute.
Pro­vi­ded that the safe owner does ever­ything right!

No burglar is loo­king for a safe. Burglars are loo­king for money and jewel­lery. No mat­ter where they get into the house, their first tar­get is the office or the bed­room. In most cases, these rooms are a com­plete write-off.

Safes should not be dis­gu­i­sed or hid­den in the cel­lar. They should be in the office or close to the bed­room. Safes must be seen within the first minute. All burglars know that what they are loo­king for is locked inside them. This means they will not search any fur­ther.

Now they will examine the safe. Do not buy any safe with a key lock, as burglars will go loo­king for the key. The fur­ni­ture all over the house will be destroyed within 5 minu­tes. More than 20% of keys are found.

The safe is then exami­ned by knocking on the doors and walls. If a hol­low sound is heard, there will cer­tainly be an attack. Hin­ges loca­ted on the out­side and a large gap bet­ween doors and frames also induce burglars to carry out an attack.

Schlüssel und scharnier vom Tresor Einbruch
verwüstetes zimmer nach Einbruch Tresor

The last thing they will try is to take the safe away with them. A good safe is moun­ted at a mini­mum of 4 points at the back and/or 4 points at the bot­tom. Burglars want to break in within the shor­test pos­si­ble time. Howe­ver, if they dis­co­ver that there is no hope of suc­cess, they will leave your house and will not cause any more damage.

When do burglars deli­bera­tely cause damage? When the entire house has been sear­ched through, fur­ni­ture has been destroyed and not­hing has been found, there is a great sense of fru­stra­tion com­bi­ned with the amount of time lost too. This fru­stra­tion then has to be taken out in the form of addi­tio­nal extra damage.

Our phi­lo­so­phy is con­ti­nuously con­firmed by our cus­to­mers who have expe­ri­en­ced a burglary. But take note: this secu­rity phi­lo­so­phy only works with a good safe. Unfort­u­n­a­tely, accor­ding to police sta­tis­tics, 90% of safes are nevert­hel­ess bro­ken into as a result of being attacked.

WALDIS is the only manu­fac­tu­rer to offer a war­ranty of up to 30 years against burglary.

Source: PKS 2013 and PKS of the Can­ton of Zurich 2006