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Safe design inspi­ra­tion

Be inspi­red by ideas and crea­tive solu­ti­ons and share your dreams for your safe with us. We can brea­the life into your plans and con­cepts – anything is pos­si­ble. Ideas are there to be made a rea­lity.

WALDIS Business 1000 in mint green

tresor farbig lackiert
tresor griff waldis

Var­nis­hed in a deli­cate mint green, the safe with resi­stance grade 3 and its prac­ti­cal size is ver­sa­tile and a popu­lar clas­sic among WALDIS safes.

WALDIS Premium 1650 XXL with pow­der coa­ting, LED, inte­rior safe and foi­ling

Tresor design gold folierung
Innentresor blau elegant
Tresor innenraum gestaltung extravagant

This impres­sive safe is cus­to­mi­sed from top to bot­tom. Its height of 1.90 met­res is not the only thing that makes it stand out, but also the spe­cial foi­ling, which har­mo­ni­ses per­fectly with the gol­den coa­ting of the lock and safe handle. The strong royal blue of the inte­rior unfolds its full colour sple­ndour in the light of the LEDs and makes the safe as a whole shine with a par­ti­cu­larly graceful power.

WALDIS Business 801 with base and air­brush

Airbrush Holz Luxus
Premiumtresor Holz Airbrush
Holztresor, Airbrush

The woo­den sur­face gives this WALDIS Business its very spe­cial charm. It has been applied to the safe using the air­brush tech­ni­que that is so decep­tively rea­li­stic that even from close up, it is barely reco­g­nisable as fake wood. The pow­der-coa­ted fit­tings empha­sise the rustic look and round off the appear­ance.

WALDIS Premium 1200 with watch con­sole, pull-out shel­ves and LED

uhrenbeweger tresor luxus
goldener Tresor

This safe offers the best pos­si­ble pro­tec­tion not only thanks to its high class 5 resi­stance level, but also because of its inte­rior fit­tings. With 8 watch wind­ers and fab­ric-covered pull-out shel­ves, this is the ideal place to store valuable jewel­lery.

WALDIS Business 1200 with base, clock con­sole, pow­der coa­ting and LED

luxustresor mit Uhrenkonsole
Tresor schwarz matt
Uhrentresor Luxus safe

The inte­gra­ted watch con­sole with 16 watch wind­ers makes this highly secure safe an exclu­sive and ele­gant sto­rage option for jewel­lery, watches and anything else that is important to you. It is nevert­hel­ess tim­e­l­ess thanks to its black lac­quer finish with pow­der-coa­ted fit­tings.

WALDIS First 1200 with jewel­lery trays, inte­rior safe and LED

Innenbeleuchtung Tresor Schmuckaufbewahrung
Eleganter Tresor blau
Innentresor im Tresor

With seve­ral jewel­lery trays, an addi­tio­nal inner safe and LEDs, this safe has been indi­vi­dua­li­sed for sto­ring various valu­ables.

WALDIS Premium 1800 with watch con­sole, jewel­lery trays and LED

Schmuck und Uhren Aufbewahrung
Premium Tresor schlicht weiss
Schmuckaufbewahrung im Tresor

With its num­e­rous jewel­lery trays and 18 watch wind­ers, this highly secure safe with door ope­ning to the left offers ple­nty of space for sto­ring fine jewel­lery. Thanks to the warm light of the LEDs, they are pre­sen­ted in all their sple­ndour.

WALDIS Premium 1500 in high gloss finish with watch con­sole, jewelry trays and LED

Designtresor hochglanz lackierung
safe design exklusive tresorfarbe
innenausstattung aufbewahrung wertsachen schmucktabletts

This safe with its imma­cu­late high-gloss finish is not just a dream from the out­side — the inte­rior has also been desi­gned with the utmost care. Every piece of jewel­lery will find its safe place here in the glow of the inte­rior light­ing.

WALDIS Premium with high-gloss lac­quer finish and gold-pla­ted fit­tings

Tresor elegant klassisch
Gold Beschläge Tresor Waldis

Ele­gant and tim­e­l­ess is what descri­bes the design of this premium safe per­fectly. With its high-gloss lac­quer finish and genuine gold-pla­ted fit­tings, this safe looks like a clas­sic. Proud and sta­tely, it relia­bly pro­tects its valuable con­tents.

WALDIS Business 1000 with gold-pla­ted fit­tings and air­brush marbling

Luxustresor Marmor mit edler  Vergoldung
Marmortresor mit Gold
hochwertiger Tresor mit Goldgriff

This ele­gant WALDIS business safe in a marble look has been cus­to­mi­sed with an air­brush. It not only offers first-class pro­tec­tion for your valu­ables, but also enhan­ces any room with its exclu­sive look.

WALDIS Business 1200 with gold fit­tings, watch wind­ers, jewel­lery trays and LED

Design-Tresor grüne Farbe
Exklusives Tresor-Design
Gold Griff Tresor

The ele­gant colour com­bi­na­tion makes this WALDIS Business an exclu­sive desi­gner safe. It not only offers relia­ble pro­tec­tion for your valu­ables, but can also be inte­gra­ted into your living space as a high-qua­lity piece of fur­ni­ture.

WALDIS Business 1700 with black inte­rior fit­tings, watch wind­ers, jewel­lery trays and LED

Hochwertiger zertifizierter Tresor
Moderner Luxustresor edle Auszüge
Tresor edel gestaltet Griff

Not only has the inte­rior of this luxury safe been cus­to­mi­sed, but the dimen­si­ons of the safe body are also made to mea­sure. The black pow­der coa­ting gives the inside of the safe depth and the LED inte­rior light­ing makes the valu­ables sparkle.

WALDIS Business 801 with green fit­tings

Tresorfarbe spezial
Safe Design exklusive Innenausstattung

A uni­que safe that was made in this colour com­bi­na­tion at the cus­to­mer’s request. Not only the colour of the safe, but also that of the handle and lock can be cus­to­mi­sed.

WALDIS Business 801

Zertifizierter Desingtresor
Design Tresor Innenraum Aufbewahrungsmöglichkeiten

Plain and simple, this WALDIS Eco is a safe place to store your valu­ables and looks great at the same time. The beau­tiful pink colour gives the safe a per­so­nal touch and the inte­rior offers ple­nty of space thanks to the adjusta­ble shelf.

WALDIS Business 801 with LED inte­rior light­ing

Blauer Tresor zertifiziert
LED-Innenbeleuchtung Tresor Innenausstattung

With its bright blue colour, this safe shi­nes like the sky on a sunny day. Thanks to the LED inte­rior light­ing, the inte­rior also shi­nes, pro­vi­ding opti­mum pro­tec­tion for valu­ables.

WALDIS Premium 1500 with LED

Luxustresor Premium zertifiziert
Interieur Tresor mit Innenbeleuchtung
LED-Innenbeleuchtung Innenausstattung Veredlung

Large, bright, spa­cious and in the most beau­tiful red, this WALDIS Premium with secu­rity level 5 is the per­fect safe for secu­rely sto­ring ever­ything that is par­ti­cu­larly valuable. The adjusta­ble shel­ves can be moved fle­xi­bly in their posi­tion and the cle­verly inte­gra­ted LED illu­mi­na­tes the entire inte­rior.

WALDIS First 1000 high-gloss with LED

Hochglanz Tresor Schwarz WALDIS
Tresor Schloss

The high-gloss sur­face of this clas­sic WALDIS safe not only reflects ever­ything in the same room, but also sim­pli­city, ele­gance and the hig­hest Swiss qua­lity.

WALDIS Premium 1500 with jewel­lery trays

Design Luxustresor
Schmucktresor Premium Tresor
Design Schmucktresor

The strikin­gly desi­gned WALDIS Premium, with its various pull-out jewe­lery dra­wers, offers the per­fect place to store valuable pie­ces that deserve the best pos­si­ble pro­tec­tion.

WALDIS Business 1000 with jewelry trays

WALDIS Tresor Idee
Tresor Design elegant
Tresor zur Schmuckaufbewahrung

Equip­ped with two jewelry trays and seve­ral adjusta­ble shel­ves, this safe offers the ideal place for sto­ring valu­ables. In addi­tion to the high level of secu­rity, it also impres­ses with its uni­que color and attrac­tive design.

WALDIS Premium 1500 with LED and dra­wers

Premium Tresor mit LED und Schubladen
Premium Tresor mit LED und Schubladen
Premium Tresor Design mit LED und Schubladen

The design of this WALDIS premium safe is kept simple on the out­side. Inside, it offers ple­nty of space for sto­ring important items. It is equip­ped with 4 spa­cious dra­wers and modern LED light­ing.

WALDIS Eco 801 with clock con­sole and LED

Luxustresor rot waldis
Schmuckaufbewahrung Auskleidung Tresor
Interieur Tresor Uhren Aufbewahrung

This red WALDIS Eco not only shi­nes from the out­side, but also from the inside. There we hel­ped with some LEDs, which per­fectly illu­mi­nate the 3 watch wind­ers and the rest of the inte­rior. In this way, the pie­ces of jewelry stored in it will be beau­tifully pre­sen­ted in the futureht.

WALDIS Business 801 agate grey

Tresor Achatgrau hochwertig
Tresor Farbe grau schlicht

Simple is beau­tiful too! The WALDIS Business in the RAL color agate gray inte­gra­tes per­fectly into any envi­ron­ment thanks to its unob­tru­sive, beau­tiful color tone. It does­n’t mat­ter whe­ther it’s an office or a living room, you won’t go wrong with this safe color.

WALDIS Business 801 with black fit­tings

Safe in oranger Tresorfarbe mit exklusivem Design
Tresor farbe orange designtresor
Tresorfarbe mordern designtresor

This exclu­sive WALDIS Business shi­nes in a strong orange. In con­trast to this are the deep black fit­tings on the lock and on the safe handle. With this com­bi­na­tion, the hearts of all Har­ley-David­son fans will pro­ba­bly beat faster.

WALDIS Premium 1200 with watch wind­ers and LED

Tresor Design Uhrenbeweger Auszugstablar
Waldis Exklusive Tresore Lackierung blau

This WALDIS Premium appears in royal blue. The clock con­sole with chrome steel bezel offers space for 12 mecha­ni­cal clocks. In addi­tion, there is still enough space in the safe for other valu­ables that are valuable to you.

WALDIS Premium with woo­den inte­rior for your watch coll­ec­tion

exklusive Tresore nussbaum innenausstattung
Luxus Tresor mit edlem Innenausbau aus Holz
Schublade Aufbewahrungsmöglichkeite Nussbaum Holz

This WALDIS premium luxury safe on a base has an inte­rior made of fine wal­nut wood and the finest Alcant­ara. With its 7 dra­wers, the safe offers space and com­part­ments for 126 watches. A real eye-cat­cher!

WALDIS Eco 550 with jewe­lery and pull-out tray

Pinker Waldis Tresor
Pinker kleiner Tresor geöffnet mit Schmucktablar WALDIS

Small but great! The WALDIS Eco may be the smal­lest in the WALDIS family, but with this bright safe color it is anything but incon­spi­cuous. Jewe­lery and valu­ables find a safe place in this cer­ti­fied safe. Equip­ped with a jewelry tray, ever­ything has its place and is also attrac­tively pre­sen­ted.

WALDIS Business 802 with spe­cial paint­work

Waldis Tresor mit blauer metallic lackierung in bmw farbe

With the WALDIS Business in the BMW color “Blue Ridge Moun­tain Metal­lic”, your dream color can not only shine in the garage but also on your design safe. So your most valuable things — maybe even your car keys — are always kept safe.

WALDIS Business 801 with woo­den inte­rior and watch wind­ers

Tresor Waldis Business grün mit Olivenholz und Uhrenbeweger
Innenausbau Tresor Waldis mit Schubladen aus Olivenholz
Tresor Waldis Business mit Olivenholz und Uhrenbeweger

What a beau­tiful com­bi­na­tion — the WALDIS Business safe is pain­ted leaf green on the out­side and has an inte­rior made of olive wood. This allows watches and jewe­lery to pre­sent them­sel­ves from their most beau­tiful side and is also excel­lently pro­tec­ted.

WALDIS Business 1200 high gloss with gold fit­tings

Tresor Airbrush modern gestaltet
Luxuriöser Tresor mit vergoldeter Ausführung
Tresor elegant luxustresor exklusiv uhrenbeweger

This black WALDIS Business high-gloss safe has gold fit­tings and is desi­gned in the Mat­ter­horn motif. On a base with 16 watch wind­ers inside, it always con­ju­res up a smile on your face, whe­ther clo­sed or open.

WALDIS First 1000 with woo­den inte­rior fit­tings, deco­ra­tive inserts and micro­fibre lining

geöffneter Tresor mit H
Schublade mit Schm

Per­fect color matching bet­ween the exte­rior of the WALDIS First and the finely craf­ted woo­den inte­rior for your uni­que pie­ces of jewel­lery. With modern LED inte­rior light­ing, they appear in the best light.

WALDIS Business 801 Air­brush with Edel­weiss pat­tern

hellblauer tresor mit edelweissmuster
hellblauer Tresor mit Sockel und Airbrush im Edelweiss-Muster

A safe can also be very indi­vi­dual — for exam­ple with a uni­que air­brush finish. There are really no limits to your ima­gi­na­tion here. This WALDIS Business is ador­ned with the typi­cal Swiss Edel­weiss pat­tern.

WALDIS Premium 1200 with gold pla­ting

Samt Ausführung Tresor Schubladen Inneneinrichtungen
schwarzer Tresor geöffnet Innenausbau auf Ziricotenholz

With its black high-gloss finish and the 24 carat gold-pla­ted ele­ments, this WALDIS Premium has a noble appear­ance. The extra­or­di­nary pre­cious wood, from which the high-qua­lity inte­rior was made, comes from the Ziri­cote.

We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice

Here’s what our cus­to­mers have to say:


Result based on 792 Reviews

WALDIS safes

Pro­duct qua­lity:

(5.9 / 6)

Value for money:

(5.3 / 6)

Docu­men­ta­tion, ins­truc­tion, ope­ra­tion:

(5.5 / 6)

WALDIS ser­vices


(5.8 / 6)

Order pro­ce­s­sing:

(5.7 / 6)

Pro­duct assem­bly and instal­la­tion:

(5.7 / 6)