Configure safe

While all WALDIS safes are uni­que, they have a few things in com­mon: top qua­lity, clear cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and the legen­dary WALDIS guarantee.

WALDIS deve­lops all its pro­ducts by its­elf. They’re cer­ti­fied and boast maxi­mum break-in resi­stance in their secu­rity class. They are con­side­red among the safes most secure against break-ins and cer­ti­fied accor­ding to Euro­pean stan­dard EN1143‑1. That’s why we offer a break-in guarantee of up to 30 years.



WALDIS has set its­elf the aim of crea­ting the most secure sto­rage units for valu­ables, with super­la­tive finis­hes and designs. We impress cus­to­mers with an unpar­al­le­led offe­ring. In doing so, we rely on Swiss crafts­manship and qua­lity. The close col­la­bo­ra­tion bet­ween our design and production depart­ments allows us to

super­vise your tail­o­red solu­tion at every step of the production pro­cess and deve­lop the best pos­si­ble pro­duct. From the in-house metal­wor­king shop and fil­ling to pain­ting safes and finis­hing, we cover all areas in our production faci­lity in Rüm­lang. Last but not least, logi­stics and ship­ping take place here too – in our Swiss-made one-stop shop.


Secu­rity cer­ti­fi­ca­tes and regu­lar audits ensure that all WALDIS safes meet the stan­dards of their secu­rity class. For cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, we com­ply with the Euro­pean stan­dard EN 1143–1. This stan­dard estab­lishes the audit methods and clas­si­fi­ca­ti­ons for secure sto­rage units, par­ti­cu­larly their resi­stance grade against theft.


WALDIS gua­ran­tees for 24 months from the moment of han­do­ver that the object purcha­sed is free from manu­fac­tu­ring and mate­rial errors. The manufacturer’s guarantee for indi­vi­dual retail pro­ducts is 12 months.

As the only manu­fac­tu­rer of Swiss safes, WALDIS offers a break-in guarantee of up to 30 years. The guarantee against break-in inclu­des the free repla­ce­ment of the secure sto­rage unit but not the valu­ables and docu­ments stored the­r­ein or any resul­ting con­se­quen­tial dama­ges.

Stoerer break-in guarantee UP TO 30-YEAR



Based on the most strin­gent secu­rity requi­re­ments, Kaba deve­lo­ped a sub­stance that was to with­stand the most deman­ding con­di­ti­ons. A mate­rial that suc­cessfully resists the wide range of tools used for break-ins. The result of this inten­sive rese­arch is known as Relastan®. This new armou­ring mate­rial, a com­po­site of hard and ela­stic sub­stances with no con­crete addi­ti­ves, con­sists of eco-fri­endly raw mate­ri­als and does not impact the envi­ron­ment. Relastan is also very light­weight, making it fle­xi­ble and ver­sa­tile.

Maxi­mum secu­rity, ligh­ter weight

Con­ven­tio­nal panic rooms or stron­g­rooms are mostly made from con­crete and steel. This design results in extre­mely heavy instal­la­ti­ons which also no lon­ger neces­s­a­rily meet insu­rance com­pa­nies’ requi­re­ments when armou­red in the con­ven­tio­nal way. WALDIS exclu­si­vely uses the armou­ring sub­stance Relastan® for its safe rooms and armou­red doors. The result is self-sup­port­ing stron­g­rooms made from light­weight com­pon­ents that are much less heavy and offer opti­mal secu­rity.

This light­weight cons­truc­tion using Relastan® allows WALDIS safe systems to be set up any­where. After all, the ligh­ter load no lon­ger invol­ves limi­ta­ti­ons rela­ting to the building’s struc­ture. A WALDIS stron­g­room also takes up less space, as Relastan® per­mits much thin­ner walls. Relastan® has been clas­sed as com­ple­tely revo­lu­tio­nary by the pro­duct cer­ti­fi­ca­tion body VdS.

relastan wertschutzraum

Bene­fits of modu­lar cons­truc­tion with Relastan® at a glance:

  • Maxi­mum secu­rity
  • Few buil­ding struc­ture limi­ta­ti­ons
  • High usage volume owing to mini­mal wall thic­k­ness
  • Fle­xi­ble expan­sion pos­si­ble at any time
  • Easy to dis­mantle and reas­sem­ble
  • Wide choice of loca­tion (high-secu­rity safes no lon­ger need to be pla­ced in the base­ment)
  • Simple plan­ning
  • Cer­ti­fied in accordance with Euro­pean stan­dards
  • Eco-fri­endly raw mate­rial

Inte­re­sted in WALDIS secu­rity trai­ning?