Configure safe

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This pro­blem may have various cau­ses. To help resolve the issue, please do the fol­lo­wing:

  • Before ente­ring the code, turn the ope­ning handle upward into the clo­sed posi­tion. This allows you to make sure no force is exer­ted on the bolt­work and the lock can open wit­hout any issues. Re-enter your code and try to open the safe.
  • Change the bat­tery in your lock. Find out how here. You should also check the expiry date of the new bat­tery used. Once you have repla­ced the bat­tery, re-enter your code and try to open the safe.
  • There’s one more option left: is your code really cor­rect? If that’s the case and the mea­su­res above haven’t worked, call our ser­vice team.

For secu­rity rea­sons, we do not have a master code your safe can be ope­ned with, which is why it’s extre­mely important that the code is stored with a notary in order to pre­serve it even when the safe owner can no lon­ger dis­c­lose the pass­word (e.g. in the event of their death). If you have for­got­ten your code and there is no lon­ger any hope of your remem­be­ring it, all that’s left for us to do is drill open the safe. This must be done carefully and pro­fes­sio­nally by our ser­vice team. Owing to the high secu­rity and com­ple­xity of our safes, this pro­cess is very labo­rious and takes seve­ral hours.

Of course, when you move house, your safe can move with you. In that event, pro­fes­sio­nal assem­bly and ancho­ring are cru­cial for ensu­ring secu­rity. That’s why it’s important that this type of move is per­for­med by experts. Our fit­ters are happy to help with this.

Choose the lock with the bat­tery you’d like to change.

Pri­mor 1000/3000

Axes­sor USB

Axes­sor IP

Paxos Advance IP

Important: once you have chan­ged the code, always test the lock when the door is open!

Pri­mor 1000/3000

Axes­sor USB

Axes­sor IP

Paxos Advance IP

The insura­ble value you can store in your safe depends on its resi­stance grade and your own insu­rance cover. Gene­rally spea­king, the hig­her the resi­stance grade, the hig­her the insura­ble amount.  The fol­lo­wing infor­ma­tion applies as a guide:

Resi­stance grade wit­hout alarm system with alarm system WALDIS model series
I n.a. n.a.
II 50,000 100,000 Eco
III 150,000 300,000 Business
IV 500,000 1,000,000 First
V 1,000,000 2,000,000 Premium

Once you’ve pla­ced your order, you will receive your safe within four to five weeks. We put every effort into deli­ve­ring our safes within the spe­ci­fied period. In excep­tio­nal cases, such as par­ti­cu­larly labo­rious spe­cial designs, the spe­ci­fied period may be exce­e­ded. In that case, howe­ver, we will inform you in advance. Express deli­veries are also available on request.

Essen­ti­ally, we recom­mend not hiding the safe but pla­cing it where it is cle­arly visi­ble. In the event of a break-in, burglars will focus on the safe and the rest of the house will remain uns­ca­thed. We’re happy to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive advice on site when choo­sing your safe loca­tion. The posi­tio­ning is cru­cial for cor­rectly fixing the safe in place and plays a key role in ensu­ring secu­rity.

We have our own assem­bly team spe­cia­li­sing in safe trans­port and assem­bly. Owing to the safes’ heavy weight, pre­cise plan­ning and spe­cia­list instal­la­tion are essen­tial to mini­mise risks. This also inclu­des the orga­ni­sa­tion of any auxi­liary resour­ces, such as a crane. Our plan­ning depart­ment will get in touch with you to arrange the smooth instal­la­tion of your safe.

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