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luxus tresore younique mit exklusivem design


vds zertifizierte tresore mit elektronikschloss in wohnzimmer


Wertschutzräume Bild eines begehbaren Tresors oder Panikraums


verschiedene Wertschutzraumtüren für Panikraum


Maxi­mum secu­rity safes

Wel­come to the world of maxi­mum secu­rity, top qua­lity and individuality, per­fect func­tion­a­lity and legen­dary dura­bi­lity. Wel­come to WALDIS Safes

Every sin­gle day, we strive to exceed our cus­to­mers’ stan­dards for qua­lity and secu­rity and offer their most pre­cious valu­ables maxi­mum pro­tec­tion. With our range of safes, fur­ni­ture safes, stron­g­rooms and armou­red doors, we’ve got the right pro­duct for every secu­rity requi­re­ment. Years of expe­ri­ence, con­stant deve­lo­p­ment, the per­so­nal touch and the most secure safes on the mar­ket are what set us apart.

Our safes

Dis­co­ver the wide range of safe models with various secu­rity levels and find the per­fect safe for secu­rely sto­ring your pre­cious valu­ables.

WALDIS Younique luxury safes

We design and deve­lop indi­vi­dual safes that are per­fectly sui­ted to your needs. Large or small, home or office, extra­va­gant luxury or sleek and uni­que – tell us what you want from your safe.

Wertschutzräume Bild eines begehbaren Tresors oder Panikraums

Stron­g­rooms and panic rooms

Fle­xi­ble, light­weight and highly secure. Thanks to the light­weight Relastan® cons­truc­tion, our cer­ti­fied stron­g­rooms and panic rooms offer maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­lity and opti­mal secu­rity for you and your valu­ables. The walk-in safes can be made to mea­sure and per­fectly adapted to suit your needs.

verschiedene Wertschutzraumtüren für Panikraum

Armou­red doors

Maxi­mum resi­stance to unaut­ho­ri­sed entry by thie­ves in pro­tec­ted zones. Available in a wide range of con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons, adapted to type of pro­tec­tion and area of use.

Sicherheitsschränke zur Aufbewahrung von Wertsachen

Secu­rity cabinets

The opti­mum safe solu­tion for secu­rely sto­ring high-cost retail pro­ducts. The WALDIS secu­rity cabinets pro­tect your valu­ables from break-ins and theft while also pre­sen­ting your pro­ducts in an appe­al­ing way.

vds zertifizierte feuersichere Feuerschutztresore

Fire pro­tec­tion cabinets

Make your docu­ments, files, fol­ders, cash boxes and data fire­proof. These safes ensure the maxi­mum pos­si­ble pro­tec­tion against fire, saving all your important infor­ma­tion and paper­work from des­truc­tion.


Fur­ni­ture safes

WALDIS fur­ni­ture safes are desi­gned for instal­la­tion in wall units. Whe­ther for pri­vate use or in hotel rooms, these safes offer pro­tec­tion against burglary and are ideal for sto­ring smal­ler valu­ables.

Wertschutzschrank rot für sichere Aufbewahrung von Waffen und Wertgegenständen

Stron­g­rooms and gun safes

Dis­co­ver our stron­g­rooms and gun safes for sto­ring and pro­tec­ting your wea­pons, ammuni­tion and other valu­ables. Available in various secu­rity clas­ses.

Safe inspi­ra­ti­ons

Uni­que safes, maxi­mum secu­rity


All-in-one package

We’re on hand to pro­vide you with com­pre­hen­sive advice and assist you with ever­ything from plan­ning to instal­ling your safe. Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence, you can rely on our sup­port in a wide range of areas.

Per­so­nal con­sul­ta­tion


Secu­rity con­cept

Trans­port and assem­bly

Cus­to­mer ser­vice


Got a que­stion about our safes? We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice.


Our safes are world-class. Don’t just take our word for it – ask our cus­to­mers.


Result based on 792 Reviews

Pro­duct qua­lity:

(5.9 / 6)

Value for money:

(5.3 / 6)


(5.8 / 6)

Per­fect order pro­ce­s­sing. All employees were very fri­endly and cour­teous.

Ever­ything was great 🙂 That was alre­ady the case with the first vault!