Configure safe

WALDIS stron­g­rooms and gun safes

Safes for sto­ring and pro­tec­ting your wea­pons, ammuni­tion and most valuable items.

As a gun owner, there’s one thing you know for sure: you want to store your wea­pons and ammuni­tion in a safe place. With a stron­g­room and gun safe from WALDIS, you have the best pro­tec­tion for your fire­arms, pistols and other wea­pons, as well as your other valu­ables. Choose your own inte­rior design inclu­ding wea­pon hol­ders for sto­ring hand­guns and/or long guns. We’ve got the right safe for you.

Waffentresor rot mit Waffenhalter und Uhrenbeweger

Stron­g­room and gun safe

based on the WALDIS Business 1450 safe design

Basic safe equip­ment

  • Pro­tec­tion class: resi­stance grade 3 in accordance with EN 1143–1
  • Insu­rance value up to CHF 300,000
  • Max. wea­pon length with inte­rior safe: 1100 mm
  • Max. wea­pon length wit­hout inte­rior safe: 1250 mm
  • Num­ber of long guns: max. 12 (if only long guns are stored)
  • Num­ber of hand­guns: max. 24 (if only hand­guns are stored)
  • Inte­rior fit­tings: 1 x inner safe/1 x partition/4 x adjusta­ble shel­ves or pull-out shelves/1 x long gun drawer/6 x pistol hol­ders 9 mm

The stron­g­rooms and gun safes are available from safe model Business 1450 onward.

Buy your gun safe now. We’re happy to advise you.

The bene­fits of a stron­g­room and gun safe

As a gun owner, you are obli­ged to store your wea­pons and ammuni­tion in a secure gun or ammuni­tion cabi­net. Switzerland’s fede­ral law on wea­pons the­r­e­fore inclu­des some pro­vi­si­ons and con­di­ti­ons for the sto­rage of wea­pons which must be ful­fil­led. Make the best choice with WALDIS stron­g­rooms and gun safes – the bene­fits are clear:

  • Opti­mum break-in pro­tec­tion for your wea­pons, ammuni­tion and other valuable items
  • Maxi­mum use of space thanks to cus­tom inte­rior lay­out
  • The prac­ti­cal cabi­net system crea­tes order bey­ond the shoo­ting range
  • Space for ammuni­tion, maga­zi­nes and clea­ning equip­ment
  • Fire pro­tec­tion with addi­tio­nal fire-retar­dant seal
  • Con­ve­ni­ent rem­oval and sto­rage thanks to pull-out shel­ves and gun hol­ders for long guns and hand­guns
  • Safe in accordance with WALDIS secu­rity stan­dards, resi­stance grade 3 in accordance with EN 1143–1 and com­bi­na­tion lock system PRI­MOR 3000


Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of safe resi­stance grade accor­ding to Euro­pean stan­dard EN 1143–1

Test­ing a safe’s level of resi­stance to break-ins invol­ves attack­ing it with various tools. For eacch resi­stance grade, the tester is per­mit­ted a set amount of time to per­form a par­tial break-in with a cut­ting disc. If this time is exce­e­ded, this part of the test is dee­med to have been pas­sed. A burglar takes 31 times lon­ger to par­ti­ally break into a resi­stance-grade V safe (100 x 100 mm ope­ning) than a safe with a resi­stance grade of I. The WALDIS stron­g­room and gun safe meet the pro­tec­tion class with resi­stance grade 3 and hig­her at a mini­mum. Find out more about EN-1143–1 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.

More infor­ma­tion on your gun safe