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WALDIS Younique luxury safes

Safes desi­gned and crea­ted with the ulti­mate in individuality and excel­lence.

Colours, mate­ri­als, inte­rior fit­tings and shapes – when it comes to desig­ning our WALDIS Younique safes, the pos­si­bi­li­ties are end­less. We design and deve­lop indi­vi­dual tailor-made safes that are per­fectly sui­ted to your needs and stan­dards. Choose from the finest mate­ri­als – from luxu­rious wood to gilded sur­faces – and super­la­tive safe access­ories and let us make your uni­que luxury safe accor­ding to the hig­hest Swiss secu­rity stan­dards.

A safe as uni­que as you are

Bespoke master­pie­ces made in our workshop

WALDIS luxury safes ful­fill your every desire

Your requi­re­ments for pro­tec­ting your valu­ables are uni­que – and we take an equally uni­que approach to making those spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons a rea­lity. When it comes to safe design and cons­truc­tion, WALDIS pulls out all the stops in terms of shape, colour and mate­rial. In the WALDIS workshop in Switz­er­land, we design and pro­duce your cus­tom-made safe to per­fec­tion – with a luxu­rious design and per­so­na­li­sed inte­rior fit­tings to make sure your valu­ables are in good hands. You’ll get end­less delight from your design – gua­ran­teed.

Secu­rity never plays second fiddle with this WALDIS safe

A master­piece among WALDIS luxury safes. A safe tailor-made for secure and flaw­less sto­rage of this very spe­cial valuable object – a vio­lin.  The spe­cial inte­rior design makes this per­so­nal item of value secure, ergo­no­mic and easy to pick up and play at all times, ensu­ring you hit the right note and shine at every per­for­mance. What is more, your WALDIS safe still has room for one or two other valuable pie­ces and brings you great joy every sin­gle day.

Luxu­rious inte­rior fit­tings for abso­lute per­fec­tion

Tim­e­l­ess, ele­gant safes for your luxury watches

Sto­ring ele­gant, luxu­rious and irre­placeable watches requi­res the hig­hest stan­dards – and WALDIS safes fit the bill. Choose luxury inte­rior fit­tings and pro­tect your watches by choo­sing exclu­sive mate­ri­als (such as the finest wood). Instal­ling watch wind­ers means your pie­ces aren’t just secu­rely pro­tec­ted – they’re always ready to use. LED light­ing also helps cast your valuable and tim­e­l­ess tim­epie­ces in the right light. The coll­ec­tion cat­ches the eye and stirs very spe­cial emo­ti­ons.

A true tre­a­sure among WALDIS safes

What’s that old say­ing? Speech is sil­ver and silence is gol­den. There’s room for both of these pre­cious metals in a WALDIS safe, where they enjoy incre­di­ble pro­tec­tion – after all, you never know what will hap­pen! You may also wish to store spe­cial coins, dia­monds and, of course, the most exclu­sive pie­ces from your jewel­lery coll­ec­tion in your luxury safe. Then it’s a good idea to get lovely soft jewel­lery inserts for the inte­rior of your safe. The dra­wers are available in dif­fe­rent ver­si­ons so your valu­ables are in the best pos­si­ble place – after all, they’ve ear­ned it.  Stored safely and always acce­s­si­ble.

Swiss secu­rity, made to mea­sure

With Swiss qua­lity as their hall­mark, our safes are uni­que and aes­the­ti­cally plea­sing items of fur­ni­ture for the home that also stand alone as exclu­sive pie­ces. WALDIS is the only safe manu­fac­tu­rer to offer a break-in guarantee of up to 30 years. So it’s little sur­prise that the com­pany also ope­ra­tes accor­ding to the ISO 9001 qua­lity manage­ment system when pur­suing these strin­gent stan­dards.

Stoerer Garantie gegen Aufbruch BIS 30 JAHRE

Safe crafts­manship par excel­lence

WALDIS safes – the best pro­ducts from the best one-stop source. We strive for per­fec­tion and aim to meet the hig­hest stan­dards. We are proud our cus­to­mers asso­ciate us with qua­lity, dili­gence and relia­bi­lity. In line with our mis­sion state­ment: The very best for all your valu­ables! All safes come from the WALDIS workshop in Switz­er­land. If you choose a WALDIS safe, you always bene­fit from one-stop in-house deve­lo­p­ment, production and assem­bly. We’re happy to offer com­pre­hen­sive advice and sup­port on ever­ything from your safe design to your secu­rity con­cept. The WALDIS team will take care of all your queries per­so­nally – ensu­ring you always feel con­fi­dent and secure.

Tell us about your ideal safe. We’ll make it ‘YOUNIQUE’.