Configure safe

Our new web­site

Wow, that was a lot of work! Wow, that took a long time!
But most of all WOW, the result looks ama­zing

A web­site is known to be the face of a com­pany to the out­side world. Our pre­vious web­site was good and useful, but not good enough for us. With regard to our cus­to­mers, we lacked the inspi­ra­tion and the pinch of emo­tio­na­lity that we want to con­vey. Well, we could have somehow inte­gra­ted all of that into the old design – but because we don’t do things by hal­ves, we deci­ded on a new web­site.

So last autumn we got tog­e­ther with the Rem­brand agency and spent many hours plan­ning and desig­ning our new WALDIS web­site. Our goals were clear. The web­site should embody exactly what we offer our cus­to­mers and what we stand for with the name WALDIS. Hig­hest qua­lity, individuality and first-class Swiss Made pro­ducts. And just like our pro­ducts, the web­site should also be state-of-the-art. To ensure that, we brought point break on board. So far so good.

Tog­e­ther with these part­ners on our side, we have com­ple­tely tur­ned the con­tent and visual appear­ance of the web­site upside down. Ever­ything was thought through from A to Z and every decis­ion was made con­sciously. From the new wri­ting of the texts to the crea­tion of the image mate­rial, we did­n’t leave out any area. Because a web­site should not only be func­tional. It should also be fun for visi­tors and arouse emo­ti­ons. It should show our cus­to­mers what we stand for and what they can expect from our pro­ducts. Our new web­site is modern, clear, inspi­ring and reflects our exper­tise.

But what has really chan­ged?

Ever­ything. Well, almost ever­ything. Because of course abso­lut­ely not­hing has chan­ged in our logo and our brand pro­mise “The best for ever­ything of value”. Howe­ver, the fact that the design of the web­site has chan­ged signi­fi­cantly is obvious in a direct com­pa­ri­son with the old site. Howe­ver, this infor­ma­tion alone is not really hel­pful. For this rea­son, we pre­sent the most important chan­ges and inno­va­tions here:

WALDIS Tresore Webseite alt und neu
  • Inspi­ra­tion
    The ima­gi­na­tion knows no bounds. But some­ti­mes a little inspi­ra­tion can’t hurt. For this rea­son, you will find a whole range of safe ideas and designs in this cate­gory. Often there is no idea what a safe can look like. Because the safe depo­sit boxes can be more than just prac­ti­cal. A safe is a piece of fur­ni­ture that can be won­derfully inte­gra­ted into the inte­rior. We con­stantly pho­to­graph new crea­ti­ons and com­bi­na­ti­ons and publish them here.
  • Tech­ni­cal sup­port
    Here you will find a help sec­tion with the most fre­quently asked que­sti­ons. Over time, this area will be expan­ded and sup­ple­men­ted with expl­ana­tory videos. You will also find all the manu­als for our pro­ducts here, bund­led in one place. But don’t worry: Of course, we’re still happy to help you over the phone. Per­so­nal cont­act and exch­ange are very important to us and are part of our ser­vice.
  • Vault com­pa­ri­son
    Do you want a quick over­view to compare the indi­vi­dual safe lines and their pro­per­ties? We can offer you that. Find out here which WALDIS safe is right for you. A cool fea­ture: on the mobile phone you can sel­ect two models from a drop­down and see the dif­fe­ren­ces at a glance.
  • Con­fi­gu­ra­tor
    Our safe con­fi­gu­ra­tor also has a new design! Here you have the oppor­tu­nity to con­fi­gure your safe as you wish. Try out dif­fe­rent color varia­ti­ons to get an idea of what your safe could look like. For com­plex inte­rior fit­tings or other spe­cial requests, it is best to cont­act us per­so­nally. We can then also make indi­vi­dual pro­duct ren­de­rings for you.

Last but not least…

We wish you a lot of fun and joy dis­co­ve­ring our new web­site! We look for­ward to sup­port­ing you as a qua­li­fied part­ner with all que­sti­ons and con­cerns rela­ting to safes, stron­g­rooms, armored doors and secu­rity. Now with an even bet­ter web­site for an even bet­ter ser­vice.


Many thanks to all our part­ners who have rea­li­zed this pro­ject with us!