Configure safe

The most secure safe in the world — an innovation in Swiss Made qua­lity

“The light­house” in the sea of safes: one that stands out from the crowd not because of its size, but because of its level of resi­stance. The latest innovation from WALDIS Tresore AG replaces the most secure safe to date. The world first, cal­led WALDIS Ultra, was deve­lo­ped and pro­du­ced in Rüm­lang, Switz­er­land. After long and inten­sive work, which requi­red a huge amount of exper­tise gai­ned over many years, the safe has suc­cessfully pas­sed the offi­cial test at the VdS, a renow­ned test­ing insti­tute for secu­rity tech­no­logy.

With resi­stance class 7, the WALDIS Ultra achie­ves the hig­hest cer­ti­fied resi­stance grade of any safe in the world to date. This sets the Swiss manu­fac­tu­rer of premium safes, WALDIS Tresore AG, apart from the mar­ket and sets a new bench­mark for the secu­rity of safes. The com­pany is par­ti­cu­larly proud of its con­sist­ently high qua­lity, the con­stant expan­sion of its pro­duct range and the end­less cus­to­mi­sa­tion opti­ons that allow it to ful­fil the most exclu­sive cus­to­mer wis­hes. Thanks to over 40 years of expe­ri­ence in buil­ding safes, the family business has now suc­ce­e­ded in pro­du­cing the most secure safe the mar­ket has to offer.

Tresortüre Anfertigung

The exact mate­rial com­po­si­tion of the worl­d’s stron­gest safe is a secret. An insight into the inner workings during the production of the door.

Back­ground know­ledge on cer­ti­fi­ca­tion

For a safe to be offi­ci­ally cer­ti­fied, it must pass various tests by an offi­cial test­ing insti­tute. The entire cons­truc­tion plans of the safe are dis­c­lo­sed to the insti­tute for this pur­pose. This allows the experts to gain an over­view of the cons­truc­tion in advance and iden­tify any weak points. As a result, they can pro­ceed tac­ti­cally during the prac­ti­cal test and sel­ect the most dan­ge­rous attack tools for the respec­tive safe. The testers are the­r­e­fore ide­ally pla­ced to suc­ceed in the simu­la­ted attack.

This VdS test ulti­m­ately cer­ti­fies the safes’ resi­stance grade in accordance with the inter­na­tio­nally reco­g­nised EN-1143–1 stan­dard. In addi­tion to the two man­da­tory tests of par­tial and full access, the WALDIS Ultra has also recei­ved the “KB” mar­king, which expli­ci­tly pro­ves its resi­stance to attacks with dia­mond core drills.

A chal­len­ging pro­ject

The deve­lo­p­ment and production of a resi­stance class 7 safe pres­ents various chal­lenges. For exam­ple, it is not easy to create a strong con­nec­tion bet­ween the safe fil­ling and the housing despite the thic­ker wall thic­k­ness. The paten­ted “Novic­ton” fil­ling, which is also used in the WALDIS Ultra, is one of the most important com­pon­ents of WALDIS safes.

As the safe has become more secure, its weight has also increa­sed com­pared to its pre­de­ces­sors. This is not only a chall­enge for the crane equip­ment in production, but also for the employees. This addi­tio­nal chall­enge is cer­tainly one of the rea­sons why no com­pe­ti­tor has yet dared to take on the mis­sion of pro­du­cing such a safe.

What also makes deve­lo­p­ment more dif­fi­cult is the fact that it is impos­si­ble to recreate the test­ing that takes place at a test­ing insti­tute. Nor is it pos­si­ble to use a for­mula to cal­cu­late how the safe must be cons­truc­ted in order to achieve a cer­tain level of resi­stance. This means that expe­ri­ence and trade secrets, which in turn have deve­lo­ped through the for­mer, are the most important resour­ces for such a suc­cessful deve­lo­p­ment. This goes hand in hand with the inex­haus­ti­ble drive and dedi­ca­tion of our long-ser­ving employees.

Tresorproduktion Schweiz

The finis­hed moul­ded door is atta­ched to the safe body. Now the mecha­ni­cal locking mecha­nism and the con­nec­tion of the elec­tric high-secu­rity lock are still miss­ing so that the safe can be ope­ra­ted.

Widerstandsgraf 7 Tresor

The safe with resi­stance grade 7 is the most secure cer­ti­fied pro­duct on the mar­ket. The door thic­k­ness is around 20cm.

A signi­fi­cant increase in secu­rity

If you compare the WALDIS Ultra with its pre­de­ces­sor, the WALDIS Premium, it impres­ses with a resi­stance to attacks that is more than twice as high. The increase in secu­rity accor­ding to the resi­stance grade is the­r­e­fore not linear. A safe in resi­stance class 7 is curr­ently the abso­lute maxi­mum that the mar­ket has to offer. The pro­duct is par­ti­cu­larly inte­re­st­ing for peo­ple who want to secure items of enorm­ous value. The WALDIS Ultra makes it pos­si­ble, for exam­ple, to store gold and valuable coll­ec­tions of watches or jewel­lery in one cen­tral loca­tion and not have to spread them across seve­ral safes due to the maxi­mum value that can be insu­red.

Available imme­dia­tely

Thanks to our in-house production in Rüm­lang, the safe can now be pro­du­ced and cus­to­mi­sed on request. The WALDIS Ultra is a Swiss Made pro­duct whose high qua­lity and secu­rity is empha­sised by a 30-year guarantee against break-ins.

We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­zed infor­ma­tion and advice.