Configure safe

The manu­fac­ture of a safe

Large, heavy, square. At first glance, a rela­tively simple object that does­n’t look too com­pli­ca­ted. But you could be wrong, because its task is a mighty one. This is pre­cis­ely why pre­cis­ion work, high qua­lity and con­stant innovation are of the utmost importance in the manu­fac­ture of our Swiss Made safes.

To make it clear from the out­set: Unfort­u­n­a­tely, this will not be a cons­truc­tion manual. But it will give you an insight behind the sce­nes of our production.

Wel­ding and armou­ring

The cons­truc­tion of a safe starts with its ske­le­ton. The steel pla­tes are wel­ded tog­e­ther accor­ding to our cons­truc­tion plans and then fil­led with the armou­ring mate­rial. Depen­ding on the secu­rity level of the safe, not only the thic­k­ness of the steel chan­ges, but also the thic­k­ness of the armou­ring and its com­po­si­tion. Ulti­m­ately, ever­ything tog­e­ther ensu­res that the safe can with­stand even the grea­test loads.

The safe body

Good things take time. An old say­ing that holds so much truth — even if we some­ti­mes don’t like to hear it. Despite all the truth, we don’t want to strain our cus­to­mers’ pati­ence unneces­s­a­rily. Tha­t’s why we always have a few safe depo­sit boxes in all sizes available in our warehouse so that we can start cus­to­mi­sing them as soon as we receive an order. The lead time for a safe order is the­r­e­fore usually just 4 to 6 weeks.

Level out

What is that good for? Well, in order to achieve an even finish when pain­ting, all irre­gu­la­ri­ties, no mat­ter how small, must be level­led out with spe­cial poly­ester fil­ler. This is the only way to give the sur­face its beau­tiful, even appear­ance. For high-gloss safes in par­ti­cu­lar, which look like a mir­ror, pro­fes­sio­nal level­ling is the decisive pre­re­qui­site for a top result.

Inci­den­tally, the gaps bet­ween the safe body and the safe door are kept to a mini­mum: This is pri­ma­rily not for visual rea­sons but to pre­vent attack tools from being applied. The appear­ance is the­r­e­fore merely a side effect of a secu­rity-rele­vant aspect.


A change of sce­n­ery! Not in the NASA trai­ning room, howe­ver, but in our paint booth. Admit­tedly, the out­fit comes pretty close to that of an astro­naut and wit­hout the pro­tec­tive clot­hing it could well hap­pen that time and space are for­got­ten when inha­ling the vapours. After pri­ming, the colour and finally the tex­ture or, optio­nally, a clear var­nish is applied to the safe. For an even result, this pro­cess requi­res speed and a high degree of pre­cis­ion. At the same time, pati­ence is also requi­red, as the pre­vious layer always has to har­den before the next one can be applied.

Poli­shing to a high gloss

Poli­shing — on a grand scale. It takes a lot for a high-gloss safe to achieve its final appear­ance and for the obser­ver to be reflec­ted in its sur­face: a lot of time, a lot of pati­ence, a lot of sand­pa­per and a lot of poli­shing agent. To achieve the maxi­mum gloss, the entire safe is gra­du­ally san­ded with incre­a­singly fine-grai­ned sand­pa­per in seve­ral pas­ses. Howe­ver, this time-con­sum­ing pro­cess is well worth it for the impres­sive end result!


You might think we’ve almost rea­ched the end. In fact, there is still quite a lot miss­ing for the safe to ful­fil its full range of func­tions. In the final stage of production, the mecha­ni­cal parts, such as the bolt­work and the locking bars, as well as the elec­tro­nic parts are instal­led and con­nec­ted tog­e­ther. What fol­lows is the chrome steel inte­rior. It is not only made of this mate­rial for visual rea­sons, but is also pre­scri­bed in the stan­dard for cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in accordance with EN 1143–1. Last but not least comes what we con­sider to be the most beau­tiful part: the instal­la­tion of the cus­to­mi­sed inte­rior fit­tings. This is how we brea­the life into the safe and prepare it for its future.

Pack­a­ging and deli­very

Spea­king of the future: we have no idea about the future of the safe during the entire production pro­cess. For rea­sons of dis­cretion and secu­rity, only num­bers and no names are listed on our docu­ments.

To ensure that the safe arri­ves unda­ma­ged at its new home, it is now being packed and will then be stored in our warehouse until it is deli­vered.

Here’s what our cus­to­mers have to say:


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Value for money:

(5.3 / 6)

Docu­men­ta­tion, ins­truc­tion, ope­ra­tion:

(5.5 / 6)

WALDIS ser­vices


(5.8 / 6)

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(5.7 / 6)

Pro­duct assem­bly and instal­la­tion:

(5.7 / 6)

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