Configure safe


The small safe for small valu­ables. A per­fect safe for pro­tec­tion against thie­ves.

WALDIS fur­ni­ture safes are desi­gned for instal­la­tion in wall units or other pie­ces of fur­ni­ture: these safes offer pro­tec­tion against burglary and are ideal for sto­ring smal­ler valu­ables.

Fur­ni­ture safe 500

Basic equip­ment

  • Stan­dard colour RAL 9010 pure white
  • Elec­tro­nic lock (Elec­tro­nic com­bi­na­tion lock)
  • Height-adjusta­ble chrome steel shelf
  • Price CHF 2,700 exclu­ding VAT

Fur­ni­ture safe secu­rity fea­tures

  • Door front 8 mm steel
  • Housing on all sides 8 mm steel
  • Inter­nal hinge straps
  • Door fits flush with the frame
  • 2 bot­tom and 2 rear panel moun­ting holes
  • Elec­tro­nic nume­ric com­bi­na­tion lock Pri­mor 2600
  • 3 locking bolts

Ope­ra­ting manual:

Dimen­sion dra­wing:

Buy your fur­ni­ture safe now. We’re happy to advise you.

FUR­NI­TURE SAFE models com­pared

Model Outer dimen­si­ons H x W x D (mm) Inner dimen­si­ons H x W x D (mm) Cle­ar­ance width H x W (mm) Weight (kg) Volume L Price in CHF exclu­ding VAT
300 300 x 300 x 330 284 x 284 x 224 220 x 192 38 18 1’850.00
400 400 x 400 x 430 384 x 384 x 324 320 x 292 66 48 2’400.00
500 500 x 500 x 530 484 x 484 x 424 420 x 392 105 99 2’700.00

Safes offer secu­rity

Use and bene­fits of fur­ni­ture safes

WALDIS fur­ni­ture safes save space as they can be easily instal­led in all kinds of large and small cabinets and pie­ces of fur­ni­ture. First of all, your valu­ables are well-con­cea­led and can­not be easily found by burglars at first glance – moreo­ver, with a WALDIS, you always have a Swiss qua­lity safe. Fur­ni­ture safes with elec­tro­nic com­bi­na­tion locks are fre­quently used in pri­vate hou­se­holds and apart­ment buil­dings for the safe­kee­ping of important papers and docu­ments, cash boxes, cash and other valu­ables. Howe­ver, fur­ni­ture safes only offer a basic level of pro­tec­tion – you should be aware of this when you buy. This means that fur­ni­ture safes pro­tect against access but don’t have any high-secu­rity clas­si­fi­ca­ti­ons or cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons. Howe­ver, they’re enti­rely sui­ta­ble for small valu­ables. After all, having a small safe in your own home can also have a huge impact on your well­be­ing.


If you’d like to store big­ger valu­ables in a safe, WALDIS’s stand-alone safes are most sui­ta­ble for you. These are available with various gra­des of secu­rity and/or resi­stance and are cer­ti­fied in accordance with the VdS stan­dard 1143–1.