Configure safe

When secu­rity and design merge

Safety and appe­al­ing aes­the­tics are two things that are often far apart. And yet it is pre­cis­ely the lat­ter that has a decisive influence on how often and with what plea­sure we use a pro­duct. The high-qua­lity safes from WALDIS com­bine both.

The safety dilemma

Who has­n’t seen them: clunky safety shoes, func­tional cycle hel­mets or bulky fluo­re­s­cent waist­coats that cer­tainly weren’t desi­gned by a desi­gner. Many safety pro­ducts are not par­ti­cu­larly visually appe­al­ing. This makes it all the worse that we often weigh up whe­ther to use a pro­duct or not. After all, we all know that appear­ance should not be a fac­tor that influen­ces a safety-rela­ted decis­ion. But as is so often the case, it still is.

Har­mo­ni­s­ing safety and design

This makes it all the more important to take this aspect into account during pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment. After all, it often seems as if this has been declared com­plete at the point at which the pro­duct has rea­ched its full func­tion­a­lity. Unfort­u­n­a­tely, the visual appear­ance often falls by the way­side.

To be honest, even the word safe does not exactly evoke the asso­cia­tion of an aes­the­ti­cally plea­sing object for many peo­ple. Rather, they ima­gine an incon­spi­cuous, clunky cube that is best kept in the cel­lar or some­where else where it is defi­ni­tely not visi­ble. So the safe is really only used in urgent cases, very spo­ra­di­cally and quite rarely. This in turn means that your favou­rite expen­sive watch is put on the watch winder in the dres­sing room in the evening so that it is imme­dia­tely ready to hand and use the next day. Prac­ti­cal and uncom­pli­ca­ted. But unfort­u­n­a­tely also quite risky.

The fee­ling of secu­rity

A safe is anything but a neces­sary evil: fil­ling it with ever­ything that is par­ti­cu­larly important to you and kno­wing that these items are abso­lut­ely safe is an incre­di­bly libe­ra­ting fee­ling that lets you brea­the a sigh of relief and relax. Because design is just as important to us as relia­ble and cer­ti­fied pro­tec­tion, this is exactly what we spe­cia­lise in: Maxi­mum secu­rity in its most beau­tiful form. Because the pos­si­bi­li­ties are end­less.

luxustresor mit Uhrenkonsole
Aufbewahrung edel Tresor Uhrenkissen

Luxury and func­tion­a­lity

Equip­ped with ever­ything you could pos­si­bly ima­gine and want to ful­fil your needs, using a safe is a real plea­sure. An ele­gant, high-qua­lity inte­rior makes your heart beat faster and your pulse race with joy every time you open the safe. Because when the first glow of the inte­rior light­ing pene­tra­tes to the out­side when the safe is ope­ned and the jewel­lery spar­kles in the light, it pres­ents its­elf in its most beau­tiful sple­ndour.

The vel­vety sur­face of the jewel­lery inlays pro­vi­des the ideal sur­face for sto­ring jewel­lery carefully and safely, and watch wind­ers ensure that the hands never stand still. And since not only the inte­rior of the safe, but also its exte­rior can be freely cus­to­mi­sed, the safe can be pla­ced whe­re­ver it is par­ti­cu­larly prac­ti­cal for you. It is not uncom­mon for the safe to make a state­ment in the living room or bed­room. Because visually, nobody can fool it: Whe­ther ele­gant and under­sta­ted, eye-cat­ching and osten­ta­tious or rustic and down-to-earth — a WALDIS safe can be anything and blends in per­fectly with any sur­roun­dings. Opt for secu­rity that you can be proud of — and that you can enjoy every day anew.

We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice.