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WALDIS safes in the world of Stöckli skis

What makes the skis from the well-known Swiss manu­fac­tu­rer Stöckli so spe­cial and how are they made? These and other que­sti­ons were ans­we­red by the WALDIS team at a very spe­cial event in the Stöckli Manu­fac­tory in Mal­ters — and not only by the Stöckli employees them­sel­ves, but also by a very spe­cial guest.

On Wed­nes­day the time had come and the long-awai­ted team event could finally start. In addi­tion to the oppor­tu­nity to visit the production faci­lity of the world-renow­ned ski brand Stöckli, the WALDIS CEO had plan­ned ano­ther sen­sa­tion: he had invi­ted Marco Oder­matt as an exclu­sive com­pa­n­ion. The joy at the visit of the WALDIS brand ambassa­dor was huge.
During the two-hour tour, the WALDIS team gai­ned insights into the various depart­ments of the ski manu­fac­ture. As with the production of safes, the inner and outer values play a cen­tral role. Ever­ything was explai­ned, from the type of wood for the ski core to the colo­ring pro­cess, and Marco Oder­matt also pro­vi­ded addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion from the point of view of a ski racer.

After a small ape­ri­tif and num­e­rous snapshots with the four-time World Cup win­ner in front of the Wall of Fame of Stöckli Swiss Sports AG, the loca­tion was moved to a nearby restau­rant for a cozy din­ner — and Marco Oder­matt was also part of the party. The employees of WALDIS Tresore AG used this for que­sti­ons, which the likeable Buoch­ser was of course happy to ans­wer and thus showed why he is at the fore­front of ski racing and will cer­tainly win many more tit­les. An all-round suc­cessful event, which will be remem­be­red for a long time.