Configure safe

The role of the safe in a digi­tal world

Online ban­king, Bit­coin, e‑commerce: the era of digi­ta­li­sa­tion has also brought revo­lu­tio­nary chan­ges to the way we handle money and valu­ables. How does the safe fit into this pic­ture?

Digi­tal inno­va­tions and tech­no­lo­gi­cal pro­gress cha­rac­te­rise our daily lives. Today, it is a mat­ter of course to con­duct ban­king tran­sac­tions online, carry out com­mer­cial tran­sac­tions at the click of a but­ton and use vir­tual cur­ren­cies. In times of digi­ta­li­sa­tion, the heavy and bulky safe in your home or business pre­mi­ses seems like a relic from the old days. But that is decep­tive.

This has a lot to do with the things that are usually stored in safes. Whe­ther gold, jewel­lery, watches, works of art or other valu­ables: such mate­rial assets are not only sym­bols of memo­ries and tra­di­ti­ons, but also a sta­ble form of invest­ment.

Pro­tec­tion in uncer­tain times, but also in safe times

Eco­no­mic and ban­king cri­ses, stock mar­ket cra­s­hes and the vola­ti­lity of vir­tual cur­ren­cies such as Bit­coin make it clear that finan­cial secu­rity can­not be taken for gran­ted. The gro­wing threat of cyber­crime and the pos­si­bi­lity of rising infla­tion are crea­ting addi­tio­nal uncer­tainty — and rai­sing serious que­sti­ons about how to pro­tect your own assets.

Those who want to arm them­sel­ves against these uncer­tain deve­lo­p­ments often invest in cri­sis-proof assets such as gold, jewel­lery, watches and other valuable goods. Howe­ver, pro­tec­ting these assets requi­res more than just hiding them in a cup­board.

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Con­trol and pri­vacy

Regard­less of whe­ther you invest in digi­tal or ana­lo­gue assets: In both cases, you need to address the que­stion of who you want to share your data with and, con­se­quently, who you trust. Ano­ther important point to con­sider is the imme­diate avai­la­bi­lity of your assets in the event of a cri­sis of any kind. For exam­ple, if you opt for a bank safe depo­sit box or a com­part­ment in a high-secu­rity warehouse as a secu­rity solu­tion, on the one hand various, some­ti­mes unknown stake­hol­ders are invol­ved and on the other hand you are sepa­ra­ted from your most important pos­ses­si­ons by a phy­si­cal distance. For many peo­ple, this is a decisive rea­son why they decide against this form of secure sto­rage, even though it also has some advan­ta­ges. For exam­ple, you often incur lower costs com­pared to other alter­na­ti­ves — at least in the short term.

Safes remain rele­vant

Ano­ther high-qua­lity secu­rity solu­tion that offers the hig­hest level of pro­tec­tion and also allows you to keep your pro­perty com­ple­tely pri­vate is a relia­ble and secure premium safe. You — and only you — will always have access and com­plete con­trol. The demand for safes in recent years shows that the need for secu­rity within your own four walls is con­stantly incre­a­sing. “Anyone who wants to store phy­si­cal valu­ables secu­rely still relies on safes,” says Mar­kus Wirth, owner and CEO of inter­na­tio­nally active WALDIS Tresore from Rüm­lang in Zurich. “And the importance of secure invest­ments has increa­sed signi­fi­cantly in recent years in par­ti­cu­lar.”

The fact that safes that are attacked during burgla­ries are actually bro­ken into is mainly due to poor qua­lity. “Cheap models or even those from the DIY store are basi­cally just bet­ter sheet metal cabinets,” Wirth points out. “They can only ina­de­qua­tely ful­fil the secu­rity requi­re­ments — so it’s easy for burglars to break in. If you want to pro­tect your valu­ables in the best pos­si­ble way, you should­n’t make any com­pro­mi­ses when choo­sing a safe.”

Trust in the pro­vi­der is a basic requi­re­ment in secu­rity mat­ters. Equally important for a purchase of this importance is com­pe­tent and com­pre­hen­sive advice. Last but not least, buy­ing a safe is also an invest­ment. And one that you only want to make once.

We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice.