Configure safe

Secu­rity for your most valuable pos­ses­si­ons — who would­n’t want that in their own home? The purchase of a tested, cer­ti­fied safe is a sui­ta­ble solu­tion. Here you can find out what types of safes are available and what you should think about in advance.

A safe for your home that offers pro­tec­tion for your most important and valuable items is a sen­si­ble invest­ment. To make the right choice when loo­king for the per­fect safe, there are a few things to con­sider. We will be happy to ans­wer all your que­sti­ons and pro­vide you with the most important infor­ma­tion and tips on the sub­ject of safes. You will soon be able to store your most important valu­ables pri­va­tely, secu­rely and care­free in your flat or house.

For small and large tre­a­su­res

The right size of safe

Safes are available in all sizes. It is important to think about what you want to store in your safe before you buy it. It is an advan­tage if the space is not only just suf­fi­ci­ent for these items, but also if other valu­ables are added. This way you can bene­fit from your safe in the long term. Because what should never hap­pen is that you have to decide by pro­cess of eli­mi­na­tion which items you can and can­not store in the safe. In addi­tion to the space that the valu­ables take up in the safe, the secu­rity aspect must also be con­side­red when choo­sing the size of a safe. A small fur­ni­ture safe may seem prac­ti­cal at first glance, as it is com­pact and can be easily instal­led in your home wit­hout any major effort. Howe­ver, this aspect also means that it only offers a very low level of secu­rity.

The smal­ler and ligh­ter a safe is, the easier it is to remove in the event of a break-in. When­ever pos­si­ble, no attempt is made to crack the safe on site during a break-in: after all, every minute spent on site increa­ses the likeli­hood of being caught. For this rea­son, the burglars try to take the safe with them. Once they have done this, they have all the time in the world to break it open by force. For this rea­son, insu­rance com­pa­nies used to clas­sify the sum insu­red that could be stored in a safe accor­ding to the weight of the safe. Alt­hough this is no lon­ger the state of affairs today (because just because some­thing is heavy does not mean that it is also resi­stant), it is per­fectly under­stan­da­ble with this back­ground.

For every appli­ca­tion

Dif­fe­rent types of safes

Depen­ding on the area of appli­ca­tion and the items you want to store in the safe, a dif­fe­rent type of safe is sui­ta­ble for your home. In addi­tion to the safe model, which you can sel­ect for dif­fe­rent pur­po­ses, the inte­rior can also be cus­to­mi­sed to suit your needs. When choo­sing the type of safe, it is also important to con­sider which secu­rity level you require for your safe: This is because not all models are cer­ti­fied to the same stan­dards and are available in all resi­stance clas­ses.

We would be happy to advise you per­so­nally
on the sub­ject of buy­ing a safe.


Safes, also known as strong­bo­xes, are available in dif­fe­rent sizes and secu­rity levels. High-qua­lity and relia­ble pro­ducts are cer­ti­fied in accordance with the Euro­pean stan­dard EN 1143–1 and label­led with a sticker. This gua­ran­tees the safe’s resi­stance to vio­lent attacks and break-in attempts.

A secu­rity safe is the right choice if you want to store valuable items safely at home. Thanks to the cate­go­ri­sa­tion into secu­rity levels (also known as secu­rity clas­ses, resi­stance gra­des or resi­stance clas­ses), you can easily choose the right model accor­ding to the valu­ables you want to store in the safe. The hig­her the resi­stance grade, the hig­her the insu­red value of the safe con­tents and the more valuable items you can store in your safe. The resi­stance gra­des range from resi­stance grade 2 to resi­stance grade 7.

As a safe is a long-term invest­ment, ease of use is an important issue in addi­tion to secu­rity. After all, only those who enjoy their safe and can store their valu­ables in it opti­mally will use it regu­larly. For this rea­son, in addi­tion to the design and manu­fac­ture of high-secu­rity Swiss-made safes, we also spe­cia­lise in the production of indi­vi­dual inte­rior fit­tings. This means that your watches, jewel­lery, pre­cious metals or other valu­ables will find a place to be stored that is tail­o­red to you. There are no limits to the colours and mate­ri­als used.

Depen­ding on the size of the safe, there is also the option of a plinth. This is pla­ced under the safe and rai­ses it to a con­ve­ni­ent height for ope­ra­tion. The plinth is equip­ped with an elec­tro­nic com­bi­na­tion lock and offers addi­tio­nal space to store docu­ments or other items pro­tec­ted from unaut­ho­ri­sed access. It can be used, for exam­ple, to store pri­vate docu­ments when trades­men or clea­ners are in your home or when you receive visi­tors.

Gun safe

Owning wea­pons is a respon­si­ble task. Apart from that, they may also have a high value — both mate­ri­ally and emo­tio­nally. In the event of theft, they can­not sim­ply be repla­ced. On top of this, unlike the theft of other valu­ables, it is uncer­tain what the wea­pons will be used for in the future. Nobody wants to be respon­si­ble, even if only indi­rectly, for cri­mi­nal acti­vi­ties or even bodily harm, and you don’t want to carry around the worries of a pos­si­ble sce­na­rio. For this rea­son, it is advi­sa­ble to purchase a gun safe for your own safety, but also for the safety of those around you. This allows you to store your wea­pons and ammuni­tion safely and care­free. The gun safe can be cus­to­mi­sed accor­ding to your needs so that you can store your wea­pons in the best pos­si­ble way. In addi­tion to a pull-out slide for seve­ral long guns, the safe also has space for hol­ders for hand­guns. In addi­tion to wea­pons, you can also store other valu­ables in the safe, such as watches, jewel­lery, cash or other pos­ses­si­ons that are important to you. The gun safes from WALDIS can be fully cus­to­mi­sed accor­ding to your requi­re­ments.

Fur­ni­ture safes

The fur­ni­ture safe is one of the smal­lest safes. Accor­din­gly, it only offers limi­ted space and is often used to store elec­tro­nic items, docu­ments, cash or other smal­ler valu­ables. It can be instal­led and ancho­red in wall cabinets or other pie­ces of fur­ni­ture with little effort and in a short instal­la­tion time. It is important to empha­sise that fur­ni­ture safes only pro­vide access pro­tec­tion. This means that they are not cer­ti­fied against burglary and vio­lent attacks. Accor­din­gly, they can be bro­ken into more easily using force. For this rea­son, fur­ni­ture safes are well con­cea­led. This means that they are not imme­dia­tely visi­ble to poten­tial intru­ders.


The wall safe is very simi­lar to the fur­ni­ture safe — with the dif­fe­rence that, as its name sug­gests, it is built into a wall. This requi­res a some­what more com­plex instal­la­tion, which also depends on the struc­tu­ral con­di­ti­ons, such as the wall thic­k­ness and con­di­tion. Like fur­ni­ture safes, wall safes only offer a low level of burglary pro­tec­tion: if burglars dis­co­ver them, the pro­ba­bi­lity that they will be bro­ken into is very high. For this rea­son, only smal­ler valu­ables should be stored in wall safes.

Fire pro­tec­tion cabinets

If you want to pro­tect irre­placeable docu­ments, valuable papers or heat-sen­si­tive data car­ri­ers in a safe, a fire­proof safe is pro­ba­bly the right choice. As the name sug­gests, these safes are fire­proof and expli­ci­tly cer­ti­fied against fire. If you also want cer­ti­fied burglary resi­stance, this is a sepa­rate, addi­tio­nal test that the safe model must pass. Such com­bi­ned safes are known as ‘duplex safes’. You can find out more about fire-resi­stant safes and their cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons in the fol­lo­wing sec­tion.

Spe­ci­ally cer­ti­fied safes

Fire­proof for docu­ments

If you only want to store docu­ments or heat-sen­si­tive data car­ri­ers in a safe, you should be well infor­med about the cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons when purcha­sing a safe. The EN 1143–1 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion spe­ci­fies the degree of resi­stance to burglary, but does not guarantee the fire pro­tec­tion of a safe. Nevert­hel­ess, it can be assu­med that the hig­her the resi­stance grade accor­ding to EN 1143–1, the hig­her the fire resi­stance. After all, tools such as oxy­gen lan­ces or plasma cut­ters are also used during the test for this cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, which the safe must be able to with­stand. Expe­ri­ence has shown that the con­tents of WALDIS safes remain int­act even after a full fire. This is due to the thick armou­ring and the thin gaps in the safe. As an addi­tio­nal safety fea­ture, a fire-resi­stant seal can also be fit­ted, which swells at a tem­pe­ra­ture of 110° C and pre­vents fire and extin­gu­is­hing water from ente­ring the safe.

Howe­ver, if you need com­plete secu­rity in terms of fire resi­stance (fire pro­tec­tion) because you want to store elec­tro­nic data car­ri­ers or irre­placeable docu­ments in it, it is advi­sa­ble to purchase a cer­ti­fied fire safe for your home. The appli­ca­ble cer­ti­fi­ca­tion stan­dards for this are EN 1047–1 and EN 15659. The dif­fe­rent fire pro­tec­tion clas­ses dif­fer in terms of the mini­mum pro­tec­tion time against fire and the mate­rial that is pro­tec­ted for the cor­re­spon­ding time. As paper and elec­tro­nic data car­ri­ers are sen­si­tive to heat in dif­fe­rent ways, this is an important fac­tor. Paper can start to burn from a tem­pe­ra­ture of 175° C wit­hout fire cont­act, digi­tal data car­ri­ers such as USB sticks or DVDs start to deform from 110° C, floppy discs even from 52° C. For this rea­son, the inter­nal tem­pe­ra­ture of the safe must not exceed this tem­pe­ra­ture.

Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion EN 15659

Fire pro­tec­tion class Mate­rial in the fire safe Mini­mum pro­tec­tion time
LFS30P Paper 30 minu­tes
LFS60P Paper 60 minu­tes

Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion EN 1047–1

Fire pro­tec­tion class Mate­rial in the fire safe Mini­mum pro­tec­tion time
S 60 P Paper 30 minu­tes
S 120 P Paper 60 minu­tes
S 60 D Paper, DVD, USB memory 60 minu­tes
S 120 D Paper, DVD, USB memory 120 minu­tes
S 60 DIS Paper, DVD, USB memory, floppy discs 60 minu­tes
S 120 DIS Paper, DVD, USB memory, floppy discs 120 minu­tes

We are happy to advise
you per­so­nally.

Important safety com­po­nent

Safe with elec­tro­nic com­bi­na­tion lock instead of key safe

When purcha­sing a safe for your home, the choice of lock is an important fac­tor. In the past, peo­ple still used to open safes with a key, but nowa­days you should defi­ni­tely avoid this as it is sim­ply the least secure method. A key can be lost, sto­len, copied or found and this is exactly what will cause you chaos in the event of a break-in.

If the burglars see that your safe can be ope­ned with a key, they will search your entire house for it. This is not only bad because of the damage it cau­ses, but also because the suc­cess rate of fin­ding the key is sur­pri­sin­gly good. Tha­t’s why you should defi­ni­tely buy a safe with an elec­tro­nic com­bi­na­tion lock, which is state of the art these days.

Elec­tro­nic com­bi­na­tion lock

Elec­tro­nic secu­rity locks are not only highly secure due to the num­e­rous num­ber com­bi­na­tion opti­ons, but also because of the addi­tio­nal opti­ons and func­tions they offer. Depen­ding on the elec­tro­nic lock, it is pos­si­ble to con­nect the safe to an alarm system or to store an emer­gency ope­ning code in the event of a threat. If you open the safe with this code, an alarm centre is auto­ma­ti­cally noti­fied and you receive help as quickly as pos­si­ble. An elec­tro­nic lock also offers the option of sto­ring seve­ral ope­ning codes for dif­fe­rent users. It is impos­si­ble to ‘pick’ the lock, even if state-of-the-art tools are used. If the ope­ning code is ente­red incor­rectly seve­ral times, locking times increase with each new incor­rect entry.

For a user expe­ri­ence that lea­ves not­hing to be desi­red

Safe access­ories

The purchase of a safe is a com­plete suc­cess if its inte­rior fit­tings also meet your requi­re­ments. Tha­t’s why we offer you a wide range of access­ories and manu­fac­ture cus­to­mi­sed inte­rior fit­tings on request.


The indi­vi­dua­li­sa­tion of the safe beg­ins with the paint finish. This can be eit­her tex­tu­red or high-gloss. You are spoilt for choice when it comes to choo­sing bet­ween the various RAL and NCS colours. Thanks to air­brushing, it is also pos­si­ble to apply any motif to the safe. In addi­tion to clas­sic images, orga­nic pat­terns such as wood or marble can also be rea­li­sed, which look decep­tively real thanks to this tech­ni­que.

Inte­rior light­ing

The safe can be fit­ted with an LED so that your valu­ables always shine in the best light. This not only looks great, but is also prac­ti­cal because it means you always have all your items in view — no mat­ter what time of day. This makes using the safe twice as much fun.

Watch and jewel­lery sto­rage

Watches and other pie­ces of jewel­lery are often stored in safes. Par­ti­cu­larly when it comes to mecha­ni­cal watches, it is important that they are moved regu­larly despite being stored quietly so that the hands do not sud­denly stand still the next time they are worn. For this rea­son, watch wind­ers can be instal­led indi­vi­du­ally or in a con­sole of any num­ber in the safe.

Jewel­lery trays are an ele­gant solu­tion for sto­ring jewel­lery. These are manu­fac­tu­red with your pre­fer­red lay­out and covered in the fab­ric of your choice. We will be happy to advise you and show you various opti­ons.

Cus­to­mi­sed pro­ducts

In order to ful­fil some wis­hes, cus­to­mi­sed pro­ducts are requi­red. We would be happy to dis­cuss your needs and requi­re­ments for the safe in a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­tion and then deve­lop a cus­to­mi­sed solu­tion in our in-house design depart­ment. Cont­act us wit­hout obli­ga­tion by phone, email or cont­act form.

We are happy to advise
you per­so­nally.

Major final steps

Orde­ring and assem­bly

If you want to buy a secure, high-qua­lity safe, you can’t just add it to your shop­ping bas­ket online and com­plete the order. In order to guarantee the hig­hest level of secu­rity, various fac­tors must be taken into account, which a pro­fes­sio­nal com­pany takes into con­side­ra­tion. In par­ti­cu­lar, this invol­ves the loca­tion of the safe and pro­fes­sio­nal instal­la­tion by spe­cia­li­sed per­son­nel.


Safes are usually deli­vered by the safe manu­fac­tu­rer or a pro­fes­sio­nal part­ner. Nor­mal dis­patch by post is not pos­si­ble due to the high weight. An excep­tion is fur­ni­ture safes, which can also be sent directly to the cus­to­mer or coll­ec­ted via lorry trans­port.


Instal­ling a cer­ti­fied safe can be quite chal­len­ging and time-con­sum­ing. After all, it is a pro­duct that weighs seve­ral hundred kilos. A cor­re­spon­ding amount of know­ledge, expe­ri­ence and cle­ver­ness is requi­red during instal­la­tion. Depen­ding on where the safe is pla­ced in the house or flat, addi­tio­nal aids such as a crane may be requi­red. To ensure maxi­mum secu­rity, the safe is pro­fes­sio­nally ancho­red to the floor and back wall at least four times. This makes it impos­si­ble for it to be remo­ved in the event of a break-in. Proof that the safe has been pro­fes­sio­nally ancho­red is also essen­tial for your insu­rance.

We are happy to advise
you per­so­nally.

Safe for home -

Unlike other pro­ducts, a high-qua­lity safe can­not be bought spon­ta­neously at a DIY store or online. The pro­cess of buy­ing a safe invol­ves seve­ral steps. It is essen­tial to go through these steps to ensure that you end up with an ideal pro­duct that you will bene­fit from for a long time and that you can fully rely on. We pro­vide you with com­pre­hen­sive advice and are there for you from the initial con­sul­ta­tion to plan­ning, instal­la­tion and bey­ond.

  • The secu­rity level, also cal­led resi­stance level, descri­bes the resi­stance of safes to burglary. The hig­her the resi­stance level, the bet­ter a safe pro­tects your valu­ables. The available resi­stance clas­ses accor­ding to the inter­na­tio­nally reco­gnized stan­dard EN 1143–1 range from 2 to 7.
  • The dif­fe­rent safe models desi­gned and manu­fac­tu­red by WALDIS dif­fer in their resi­stance level. Each resi­stance level is also available in various sizes.
  • The hig­hest cer­ti­fied resi­stance level 7 with crown dril­ling pro­tec­tion is only available from WALDIS Tresore AG. This safe is a Swiss innovation from the com­pany.
  • You choose the size of the safe based on the con­tents you want to keep safe in it. It is bet­ter to choose a lar­ger model so that there is enough space in the future if more valu­ables are added.
  • Be sure to buy a safe with a cer­ti­fied secu­rity level. This is the only way you can have the con­tents of the safe addi­tio­nally insu­red by your insu­rance com­pany.
  • If you need a safe that is used exclu­si­vely for docu­ments or elec­tro­nic data sto­rage devices, it should be fire­proof and offer cer­ti­fied fire pro­tec­tion. The appli­ca­ble stan­dards are EN 1047–1 and EN 15659.
  • In any case, you should defi­ni­tely buy a safe with an elec­tro­nic com­bi­na­tion lock. In con­trast, key safes with dou­ble-bit locks offer much lower secu­rity and addi­tio­nal risks, which is why we advise against them.
  • A fur­ni­ture safe or wall safe is only sui­ta­ble for sto­ring smal­ler valu­ables. Under no cir­cum­stances should you store large amounts of cash or other items of high value in them, as these safes offer only mini­mal pro­tec­tion against burglary.
  • The safe should defi­ni­tely be pro­fes­sio­nally ancho­red to the floor and back wall. If the safe is free-stan­ding, it offers a lar­ger attack sur­face in the event of a break-in.

Que­sti­ons about our safes?
We would be happy to advise
you per­so­nally.

safes & vaults

Dis­co­ver the dif­fe­rent safe models with dif­fe­rent secu­rity levels and find the per­fect safe for the safest sto­rage of your favo­rite valu­ables.

WALDIS Younique
luxury safes

We design and deve­lop indi­vi­dual safes that are per­fectly tail­o­red to your needs. Whe­ther small or large, for home or office, whe­ther an extra­va­gant luxury safe or a simple one-off — tell us about your dream safe.