Configure safe

Feel good thanks to all-round secu­rity

From the secu­rity stra­tegy and con­cept to spe­ci­fic imple­men­ta­tion – an all-in-one solu­tion

WALDIS hand­les advice and respon­si­bi­lity for the over­all secu­rity of ope­ra­ting and phy­si­cal valu­ables. In doing so, we fol­low the inte­gral approach of the secu­rity stra­tegy inclu­ding design, plan­ning, imple­men­ta­tion sup­port, moni­to­ring and accep­tance. We’re on hand as the over­all pro­ject mana­ger or assist with spe­ci­fic decis­ion-making pro­ce­s­ses in the fol­lo­wing pro­ject steps:

Secu­rity stra­tegy

Deter­mi­ning risk policy through risk ana­ly­sis is key to any secu­rity stra­tegy. This helps get a clear and, most of all, shared under­stan­ding of the risk situa­tion. Objec­ti­ves for pro­tec­tion are then deter­mi­ned and appro­ved by the cus­to­mer and their insu­rance com­pany. Risk ana­ly­sis and eva­lua­tion is a pro­cess that needs to be syste­ma­ti­cally defi­ned on a stra­te­gic and ope­ra­tio­nal basis and con­ti­nu­ally reviewed and adapted, like an ICS (inter­nal con­trol system).


In this phase, the struc­tu­red secu­rity con­cept is crea­ted, in which the ana­ly­sis of poten­tial access, entry and damage sce­na­rios for the fol­lo­wing secu­rity areas is eva­lua­ted:

  • Stron­g­rooms in various resi­stance clas­ses with armou­red doors, indi­vi­dual safes and safe com­part­ments
  • Burglar alarm system from ent­rance
  • Fire alarm system with inte­gra­tion into main system
  • Buil­ding manage­ment system (BMS)
  • Video surveillance/sound moni­to­ring
  • Access per­mis­si­ons and con­trol
  • Signage
  • Impact pro­tec­tion

  The desi­red or neces­sary level of pro­tec­tion and secu­rity clas­ses of the safes are deter­mi­ned on this basis. Within design, a distinc­tion is made bet­ween mal­evo­lent attacks (secu­rity) and pro­tec­tion against human and tech­ni­cal fail­ure (safety). In the secu­rity con­cept, the likeli­hood of entry is asses­sed and the poten­tial ext­ent of dama­ges is deter­mi­ned.


Based on the secu­rity stra­tegy and secu­rity con­cept, we deve­lop mea­su­res to hin­der or reduce the likeli­hood of entry and amount of damage. In this step, plan­ning of mea­su­res to limit risks and their impact also takes place. All estab­lished and pro­po­sed mea­su­res are sub­ject to appr­oval by the buil­der and are reviewed from an insu­rance per­spec­tive. Fol­lo­wing appr­oval, the mea­su­res are imple­men­ted and asses­sed for effec­ti­ve­ness. Even the best and most inge­nious secu­rity con­cept does not enti­rely rule out the pro­s­pect of resi­dual risk. For that rea­son, an inte­gra­ted cri­sis manage­ment pro­cess is part of the secu­rity con­cept, the aim of which is to mini­mise the con­se­quen­ces of a secu­rity breach to health and pro­perty as much as pos­si­ble. This is also part of a holi­stic secu­rity con­cept. To ensure cur­rent risks are always detec­ted and covered, an ongo­ing line of com­mu­ni­ca­tion bet­ween cli­ents, insu­rance com­pa­nies and the part­ner com­pany respon­si­ble for ope­ra­tio­nal secu­rity and pro­tec­ting valu­ables is essen­tial.

Here’s what our cus­to­mers have to say:


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WALDIS safes

Pro­duct qua­lity:

(5.9 / 6)

Value for money:

(5.3 / 6)

Docu­men­ta­tion, ins­truc­tion, ope­ra­tion:

(5.5 / 6)

WALDIS ser­vices


(5.8 / 6)

Order pro­ce­s­sing:

(5.7 / 6)

Pro­duct assem­bly and instal­la­tion:

(5.7 / 6)

We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice