Feel good thanks to all-round security
From the security strategy and concept to specific implementation – an all-in-one solution
WALDIS handles advice and responsibility for the overall security of operating and physical valuables. In doing so, we follow the integral approach of the security strategy including design, planning, implementation support, monitoring and acceptance. We’re on hand as the overall project manager or assist with specific decision-making processes in the following project steps:
Security strategy
Determining risk policy through risk analysis is key to any security strategy. This helps get a clear and, most of all, shared understanding of the risk situation. Objectives for protection are then determined and approved by the customer and their insurance company. Risk analysis and evaluation is a process that needs to be systematically defined on a strategic and operational basis and continually reviewed and adapted, like an ICS (internal control system).
In this phase, the structured security concept is created, in which the analysis of potential access, entry and damage scenarios for the following security areas is evaluated:
- Strongrooms in various resistance classes with armoured doors, individual safes and safe compartments
- Burglar alarm system from entrance
- Fire alarm system with integration into main system
- Building management system (BMS)
- Video surveillance/sound monitoring
- Access permissions and control
- Signage
- Impact protection
The desired or necessary level of protection and security classes of the safes are determined on this basis. Within design, a distinction is made between malevolent attacks (security) and protection against human and technical failure (safety). In the security concept, the likelihood of entry is assessed and the potential extent of damages is determined.
Based on the security strategy and security concept, we develop measures to hinder or reduce the likelihood of entry and amount of damage. In this step, planning of measures to limit risks and their impact also takes place. All established and proposed measures are subject to approval by the builder and are reviewed from an insurance perspective. Following approval, the measures are implemented and assessed for effectiveness. Even the best and most ingenious security concept does not entirely rule out the prospect of residual risk. For that reason, an integrated crisis management process is part of the security concept, the aim of which is to minimise the consequences of a security breach to health and property as much as possible. This is also part of a holistic security concept. To ensure current risks are always detected and covered, an ongoing line of communication between clients, insurance companies and the partner company responsible for operational security and protecting valuables is essential.
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