Configure safe

Safe vault pass­word

You have cho­sen a Swiss qua­lity safe by WALDIS, and in doing so have cho­sen one of the most secure safes around. But even the most secure safe is of little use if the nume­ric code is easy to guess. You will find a num­ber of tips below that you should observe when sel­ec­ting a pass­word; these tips will help you to come up with such a pass­word.

Lock fit­tings

The majo­rity of com­bi­na­tion locks used for WALDIS safes also have an alpha­bet along­side the nume­ric key­pad. This allows you to use both num­bers and let­ters or a com­bi­na­tion of both num­bers and let­ters in order to come up with a pass­word. The code ran­ges from six to eight digits depen­ding on the model. This means there are bet­ween 106 (1,000,000) and 108 (100,000,000) com­bi­na­tion opti­ons available.

Basic rules when sel­ec­ting a pass­word

Avoid using obvious pass­words:

  • Do not use tri­vial values such as 000000, 0815, 123456
  • Do not use your own bir­th­day, vehicle regi­stra­tion num­ber, tele­phone num­ber or name (i.e. your own name, the name of your spouse, names of child­ren or pets, name of your com­pany or place of resi­dence etc.) as a pass­word. Do not use any stan­dard pass­words such as Pass­word or Safe. Wri­ting a num­ber / word back­wards is also too simple.
  • Do not use a pass­word that you have alre­ady used.
  • Important pass­words should not have any logi­cal struc­ture.

How do you come up with a secure pass­word?

  • The gol­den rule here is that a pass­word is only secure if it is also kept secret.
  • Always remem­ber your pass­words – never write them down.
  • Con­sider as many keys as pos­si­ble (traces of wear and tear on the key­pad reveal the indi­vi­dual figu­res over the course of time)
  • The solu­tion; come up with a fan­tasy pass­word.


I only like ice cream in the sum­me­r­Use the first let­ter from each word: Ioli­cits
in num­bers: 46542487

to be or not to be
Use the first let­ter from each word: tbontb
in num­bers: 817681

My mother is 42 years old
Use the first let­ter from each word: Mmi42yo
in num­bers: 6644296

Last but not least:
Think about how the pass­word can still be retai­ned if it can no lon­ger be reve­a­led to the owner (e.g. in the event of death). Depo­sit a sea­led enve­lope with your notary.