Configure safe

Inte­re­sted in per­so­nal secu­rity?

Dan­ge­rous situa­tions can occur even in your own home. So it’s useful to know that WALDIS pro­vi­des a 3‑in‑1 solu­tion. A panic room or stron­g­room can pro­tect you, those around you and your valu­ables from attackers. It can also fit per­fectly into your ever­y­day life. Spe­ci­fic and cru­cial equip­ment fea­tures set it apart.

Where is a panic room or stron­g­room instal­led? In a new buil­ding or during reno­va­tion works, a panic room is built into the design so that it is not reco­g­nisable as such and can be used for other pur­po­ses, too. Ano­ther vari­ant invol­ves instal­ling the panic room inside an exi­sting room, such as a dres­sing room, library, office or wine cel­lar. There are many opti­ons for ensu­ring opti­mum use while mee­ting all kinds of design requi­re­ments.

What sets a panic room or stron­g­room apart? A place of refuge in dan­ge­rous situa­tions and a per­ma­nent sto­rage space for important, valuable items, the panic room has a high-secu­rity door with a digi­tal lock that can be ope­ra­ted from inside and out­side. This allows you to secu­rely ‘lock yours­elf in’ and get back out again at any time with your secret code. You can also set a silent alarm at any time to get help from out­side as quickly as pos­si­ble.
Can air get into the panic room? Alt­hough in prin­ci­ple a panic room isn’t a bun­ker where you can sur­vive for weeks or even months in an emer­gency, the neces­sary oxy­gen can be sup­plied via natu­ral and arti­fi­cial ven­ti­la­tion com­pon­ents depen­ding on requi­re­ments.
And what about com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons? Don’t panic – we’ve got that covered, too! Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons capa­bi­li­ties are ensu­red by intro­du­cing an antenna into a panic room or stron­g­room. This makes it easy to cont­act help points to quickly stop intru­ders.
How safe and secure are these rooms? A panic room or stron­g­room from WALDIS offers relia­ble pro­tec­tion against wea­pons attacks from out­side as well as the attackers them­sel­ves. The room is available with various wall thic­k­nes­ses. The panic room or stron­g­room offers pene­tra­tion pro­tec­tion for cali­bres of up to 7.62 x 54 mm.