Configure safe

Safe vault pass­word

Safe vault pass­word 10.02.23 | Advi­sor You have cho­sen a Swiss qua­lity safe by WALDIS, and in doing so have cho­sen one of the most secure safes around. But even the most secure safe is of little use if the nume­ric code is easy to guess. You will find a num­ber of tips below that… Con­ti­nue rea­ding Safe vault pass­word
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Safe Check List — This Check List will help you to iden­tify a good safe.

Safe Check List — This Check List will help you to iden­tify a good safe. 10.02.23 | Advi­sor Take note of the fol­lo­wing points: Only use safes that are pro­du­ced and cer­ti­fied to the cur­rent EN 1143–1 stan­dard Ensure each safe has four to eight-point moun­ting instal­led by spe­cia­list staff Ancho­ring to the wall and… Con­ti­nue rea­ding Safe Check List — This Check List will help you to iden­tify a good safe.
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Oder­matt looks into the cry­stal balls

Oder­matt looks into the cry­stal balls 28.03.22 | News Shortly before that for an inter­view in Salz­burg and almost 24 hours later at his out­fit­ter and ski manu­fac­tu­rer Stöckli at the head­quar­ters in Mal­ters. As usual, rela­xed and with a smile on his face, 24-year-old Marco Oder­matt tal­ked about his days after win­ning the over­all… Con­ti­nue rea­ding Oder­matt looks into the cry­stal balls
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