Configure safe


WALDIS safes. Maxi­mum secu­rity with the power of innovation.

WALDIS safes are pro­du­ced and cer­ti­fied in accordance with the EN 1143–1 stan­dard. Don’t be foo­led – true secu­rity is not visi­ble! WALDIS safes are among the most secure safes on the mar­ket. We cus­tom-design and manu­fac­ture each safe – with the hig­hest grade of resi­stance to break-ins in its secu­rity class.

Basic Tresor Widerstandsgrad 1


  • Resi­stance grade 2
  • No break-in guarantee
  • Insu­rance value up to CHF 100,000
Eco Tresor Widerstandsgrad 2


  • Resi­stance grade 2
  • 5‑year break-in guarantee
  • Insu­rance value up to CHF 100,000
Business Tresor Widerstandsgrad 3


  • Resi­stance grade 3
  • 15-year break-in guarantee
  • Insu­rance value up to CHF 200,000
First Tresor Widerstandsgrad 4


  • Resi­stance grade 4
  • 20-year break-in guarantee
  • Insu­rance value up to CHF 1,000,000
Premium Tresor Widerstandsgrad 5


  • Resi­stance grade 5
  • 25-year break-in guarantee
  • Insu­rance value up to CHF 2,000,000
stärkster Tresor der Welt WALDIS Ultra


  • Resi­stance grade 7
  • 30-year break-in guarantee
  • Insu­rance value up to CHF 4,000,000

We’re happy to pro­vide per­so­na­li­sed infor­ma­tion and advice

WALDIS Younique
luxury safes

We design and deve­lop indi­vi­dual safes that are per­fectly sui­ted to your needs. Large or small, home or office, extra­va­gant luxury or sleek and uni­que – WALDIS Safes makes it pos­si­ble.

Fur­ni­ture and hotel room safes

WALDIS fur­ni­ture safes are desi­gned for instal­la­tion in wall units. Whe­ther for pri­vate use or in hotel rooms, these safes offer pro­tec­tion against burglary and are ideal for sto­ring smal­ler valu­ables.

Stron­g­rooms and gun safes

Dis­co­ver burglar-resi­stant stron­g­rooms and gun safes of various secu­rity gra­des for sto­ring and pro­tec­ting your wea­pons, ammuni­tion and other valu­ables.

Fire pro­tec­tion cabinets

Make your docu­ments, files, fol­ders, cash boxes and data fire­proof. These safes ensure the maxi­mum pos­si­ble pro­tec­tion against fire, saving all your important infor­ma­tion and paper­work from des­truc­tion.

Uni­que safes of the hig­hest qua­lity

Secu­rity fea­tures of WALDIS safes

  • Up to 30 years’ break-in guarantee
  • VdS cer­ti­fi­ca­tion EN 1143–1, resi­stance grade 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7
  • Armou­ring of safe housing and doors con­sists of the latest com­po­site sub­stances RELASTAN®, NOVEXELA® and NOVIC­TON®
  • 50 mm to 65 mm wall thic­k­ness, 115 mm to 130 mm door thic­k­ness
  • Bolt­work behind glass plate
  • Inter­nal hin­ges with thrust bea­rings
  • Gap-free design, 180° door ope­ning angle, hin­ging DIN right
  • Cable feed through hol­low hin­ges
  • High-qua­lity chrome steel inner lining
  • Up to 12 locking points in the bolt­work
  • 4 or 8 cer­ti­fied ancho­ring points as stan­dard
  • Elec­tro­nic locking systems as stan­dard
  • Deve­lo­ped and pro­du­ced in Switz­er­land

Con­fi­gure your ideal safe now


With Swiss qua­lity as their hall­mark, our safes are uni­que and aes­the­ti­cally plea­sing items of fur­ni­ture for the home that also stand alone as exclu­sive pie­ces. WALDIS is the only safe manu­fac­tu­rer to offer a break-in guarantee of up to 30 years. So it’s little sur­prise that the com­pany also ope­ra­tes accor­ding to the ISO 9001 qua­lity manage­ment system when pur­suing these strin­gent stan­dards.

Stoerer Garantie gegen Aufbruch BIS 30 JAHRE

Which WALDIS safe is right for you?

WALDIS Safe Basic
Resi­stance grade 2
Insu­rance valueup to CHF 100,000
1 x mecha­ni­calEmer­gency lock
Pri­mor 1000
2 x fix­tures
No break-in guarantee
Resi­stance grade 2
Insu­rance valueup to CHF 100,000
4 x mecha­ni­calEmer­gency lock
Pri­mor 3000
4 x fix­tures
5‑year break-in guarantee
WALDIS Safe Business
Resi­stance grade 3
Insu­rance valueup to CHF 300,000
4 x mecha­ni­calEmer­gency lock
Pri­mor 3000
4 x fix­tures
15-year break-in guarantee
WALDIS Safe First
Resi­stance grade 4
Insu­rance valueup to CHF 1,000,000
8 x mecha­ni­calEmer­gency lock
Paxos Advance IP
8 x fix­tures
20-year break-in guarantee
WALDIS Safe Premium
Resi­stance grade 5
Insu­rance valueup to CHF 2,000,000
10 x mecha­ni­calEmer­gency lock
Paxos Advance IP
8 x fix­tures
25-year break-in guarantee
WALDIS Safe Ultra
Widerstandsgrad 7 EN-1143-1
Resi­stance grade 7
Insu­rance valueUp to CHF 4,000,000
10x mecha­ni­cal Emer­gency lock
Paxos Advance IP
8x fix­tures
30-year break-in guarantee

Safe access­ories and equip­ment

WALDIS offers a wide range of safe locks, watch wind­ers, design ele­ments and other access­ories to help kit out your safe to suit you.

WALDIS safes – spe­cial offers

Sub­ject to available stock, we offer some safes and secure sto­rage units at redu­ced pri­ces. These are mostly used or dis­play items. The safes and secu­rity cabinets are all in impec­ca­bly secure con­di­tion.

Bijoux box 320, sui­ta­ble for WALDIS safes

CHF 2’900

New pro­duct: WA-B-1200 TB, resi­stance grade 3

CHF 13’900

WALDIS Safes – insu­rance part­ners

Logo Versicherungspartner Tresore helvetia
Logo Versicherungspartner Tresore AXA
Logo Versicherungspartner Tresore vaudoise
Logo Versicherungspartner Tresore die Mobiliar
logo Versicherungspartner Tresore Zürich Versicherung


All-in-one package

We’re on hand to pro­vide you with com­pre­hen­sive advice and assist you with ever­ything from plan­ning and purcha­sing to instal­ling your safe. Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence, you can rely on our sup­port in a wide range of areas.