Configure safe

A walk-in safe in your very own home

When it comes to taking care of your most pre­cious valu­ables, it pays to think big. A stron­g­room from WALDIS is your very own walk-in safe, offe­ring maxi­mum secu­rity and con­ve­ni­ence. It helps keep your valu­ables in safe hands, even at home.

Where can a stron­g­room be instal­led? WALDIS stron­g­rooms are now made from the latest armou­ring mate­ri­als, such as Relastan®. Unlike other solu­ti­ons, the main advan­tage is the com­pa­ra­tively low weight. A light­weight design offe­ring maxi­mum secu­rity. This paten­ted cons­truc­tion allows WALDIS stron­g­rooms to be easily instal­led in both new buil­dings and, more par­ti­cu­larly, in exi­sting buil­dings. The lower weight and load impose prac­ti­cally no rest­ric­tions in terms of buil­ding struc­ture. Exi­sting spaces can be used to their maxi­mum capa­bi­lity. Instal­la­tion usually requi­res no struc­tu­ral chan­ges and does not impact adja­cent rooms or spaces. As the latest armou­ring mate­ri­als such as Relastan® also help reduce wall thic­k­nes­ses, a stron­g­room can take up less space. The modu­lar design allows it to be expan­ded, redu­ced, dis­mant­led and reas­sem­bled in ano­ther area at any time. This fle­xi­bi­lity and reusa­bi­lity is a major plus point, as you can have the stron­g­room by your side whe­re­ver you go. What sets a stron­g­room apart? A WALDIS stron­g­room is desi­gned, pro­du­ced and built to fit per­fectly into exi­sting spaces, taking into account spe­ci­fic needs and requi­re­ments such as size, shape and cons­truc­tion stan­dard. Thanks to the rela­tively light cons­truc­tion, your per­so­nal stron­g­room can be instal­led on any floor of your choice and is also very easy to dis­mantle and set up else­where when you move. Ever­ything that’s pre­cious to you stays in your own home and remains as safe and secure as it would in a bank. After all, a stron­g­room con­forms to the latest Euro­pean stan­dards and meets the most strin­gent secu­rity requi­re­ments. How safe and secure are these rooms? A stron­g­room from WALDIS offers relia­ble pro­tec­tion against attackers and wea­pons attacks of various cali­bres. Depen­ding on desi­red safety requi­re­ments, armou­red ele­ments are built into wall thic­k­nes­ses of 80–115 mm. A stron­g­room with a wall thic­k­ness of 80 mm offers pene­tra­tion pro­tec­tion for cali­bres of up to 7.5 x 55 mm. Wall thic­k­ness of 115 mm pro­tects you against cali­bres of up to 7.62 x 54 mm. What else is important? Of course, a WALDIS stron­g­room can also be equip­ped with other safety fea­tures and expan­ded to become a panic room. This caters to your every requi­re­ment and allows you to feel fully secure in your own home. Nowa­days, a stron­g­room is a must-have when it comes to safety and secu­rity in your own four walls.